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Now, please lock this thread.
I am sorry to disappoint you guys.


--- Quote from: Eddy on September 27, 2010, 03:59:55 AM ---Wait what the fuck, seriously.
I don't remember making this thread.
I am not lying.
lol the Ip is from Netherlands.


--- End quote ---
He gots fail grammar

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Eddy on September 27, 2010, 03:59:55 AM ---Wait what the fuck, seriously.
I don't remember making this thread.
I am not lying.
lol the Ip is from Netherlands.


--- End quote ---

How did I not notice the british IP fail >.>

Leme check your recent logins

» Magic «:
Bloody hell eddy:

I've perma'd the obviousy-not-yours IP, If it's anybodies here, Sorry for the loss but don't hack fellow britfags >:C


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