Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
09/26/2010 Application: Cake Face - [APPROVED]
NAME: Obviously Cake Face
AGE: 15
REAL NAME: I'd like to withhold that
LOCATION: N. Las Vegas (oh hai thar sanders)
Description: Oh hai thar. My name iz Cake Faiece. Almost everyone luvs me with all of their heart and cant stay made at meh
I usually help people with common sense and who arent total nubs. For some examples:
If your going to be a raging faggot and mic-spam shitty music knowing that no-one can do nothing against you but mute, there are certain guidelines where you wont be a faggot and 90% of the server wont mute you.
* Weaboo shit, Beaner crap, and -african american-, and screamo music will make you seem like a douche and hated by everyone. If you dunt play those category's, you will be an awesome fag.
In real life, im a pretty nice guy. I actually make friends with people easily and get good grades and not a total asshole (well, except for math. Im mathematically challenged and thats my most hated subject in school). Of course I fall into the geek groups but...nothing I can do. Im not a douche who sags like crazy and listen to heavy gangsta' rap liek all of teh homies. Fuck rap. I have a ultra high level of computer knowledge and can build systems from scratch and understand how everything works in a computer. I can use adobe/macromedia flash animation programs...and I'm a beginning guitarist. And I has a nack for old tv shows liek the dukes of hazzard and starkey and hutch. Im not a lazy fuck...only on the weekends I am. I liek cars too. My favorite car would be a 1996 Alfa Romeo 156.
Why you wants' you's VIP's: I can haz kicks on general minges/idiots who dont read teh rules pl0x. And I would liek some of teh special features too.
Thars a haxxer on the server, what do wut?: Spectate/Keep a close eye on him. He if aimbots, 80% of the time aimbots have no recoil and the mouse aims very smoothly, like if you were holding an xbox controller. Then take a poll on the server and see wut we should do. If everyone agree's, then kickz0rs. If he comes back and still aimbots, then record a demo of his 1337 haxs then post to the report section on the forums.
Anything else?:Wtf? No fagget. thats it.
Who the fuck you callin faggot, faggot: Im calling you a faggot
Suck my dick bitch!: How can I suck something that's microscopic.
I approve of this because hes been a long time freind of mine and hes been here for a long time almost as long as me lol :thumbsup:
» Magic «:
Definately :D
2/3 Votes = You are now VIP, Catch an admin's attention in-game to have them promote yous!
Holy shitty application.
I cant give him a 0.5 so it rounds up to 1.
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