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xxncxx Regular App - PLEASE RESUBMIT

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wow you guys really do hold grudges, you think you can abuse regular, HAHAHAHAHHA, very funny,  :troll: :gtfo:.  You can't abuse regular, I just want to be able to use E2. 


--- Quote from: xxncxx on September 26, 2010, 09:14:45 AM ---wow you guys really do hold grudges, you think you can abuse regular, HAHAHAHAHHA, very funny,  :troll: :gtfo:.  You can't abuse regular, I just want to be able to use E2. 

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wow you guy really do hold stupidity, you think you can get regular, HAHAHAHAHAH, very funny, :troll: :gtfo:. You can't get regular, you just insulted half the community.


--- Quote from: xxncxx on September 26, 2010, 09:14:45 AM ---wow you guys really do hold grudges, you think you can abuse regular, HAHAHAHAHHA, very funny,  :troll: :gtfo:.  You can't abuse regular, I just want to be able to use E2.

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Mmmkay let me rephrase that.

Sorry, but you tend to get mad a lot while you're playing, and I don't doubt for a second that you would get butthurt and use E2 to instantly kill/minge someone constantly, because they insulted you, or maybe RDMed you a long time ago in TTT.

It's not so much that I'm holding a grudge against you, because every time I see you in-game you're arguing with someone for stupid reasons, and are constantly trying to troll or kick/ban for stupid reasons.

Go ask tomcat, pepper, KillerB, peetah, Krasher, they will tell you that i do not minge the build server


--- Quote from: xxncxx on September 26, 2010, 09:23:58 AM ---Go ask tomcat, pepper, KillerB, peetah, Krasher, they will tell you that i do not minge the build server

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I lol'd.


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