Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
xxncxx Regular App - PLEASE RESUBMIT
--- Quote from: Waffle on September 28, 2010, 09:43:48 PM ---[img width=729 height=600][img]
This dude is totally hot anyways.
--- End quote ---
Luvaly. Thanks for those hotties.
lmao hes watched now.
It was worth it because it's nc's thread.
Even though my opinion doesn't count, -1 because I remember him from TTT and he rages in 2 seconds from the tiniest thing, and he's always been mean to me.
--- Quote from: Waffle on September 29, 2010, 05:30:18 PM ---Meh
It was worth it because it's nc's thread.
Even though my opinion doesn't count, -1 because I remember him from TTT and he rages in 2 seconds from the tiniest thing, and he's always been mean to me.
--- End quote ---
Mmmhm he just tries to troll everyone :l.
SO jim you decided to start spying on me, asking my friends things, and invading my privacy to make a decision. Thats really cool of you to do that without my permission.
And Sanders, are you seriously going to judge whether I get Regular or not based on the opinions of those that are ageist and will downtalk me so I cannot be able to access one simple feature in your build servers?
Or will you judge it based upon those of people that I know much more than these other naysayers.
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