Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Your school computers?

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--- Quote from: noisymanray on November 07, 2010, 10:05:57 AM ---my school has a mac lab

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well then
we do to. pretty high quality and extremly expensive. we have about 300
but were not allowed to isntall ANYTHING (not even educational programs) on them
there goes a few hundred thousand dollars to browse safari (no, not firefox)
and yet the tech wing uses 10 year old peices of crap, all of them have had some hardware replaced, and only 90 fucking percent of the time
and those have to run shitton programs
serveral hundred thousand dollars in macs = researching with safari. nothing more. nothing less. we cant even print
few hundred dollars on used computers = 3d modeling, graphic design, coding, lab computers, school projects.

they waste all the money on those useless shits, new gym, new weigh room, new football fiel, and our robotics team doesnt get half a penny from the school, and we need 16,000USD just to go to 1 competition

school board r cunty


Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Marked One on November 07, 2010, 11:30:11 PM ---well then
we do to. pretty high quality and extremly expensive. we have about 300
but were not allowed to isntall ANYTHING (not even educational programs) on them
there goes a few hundred thousand dollars to browse safari (no, not firefox)
and yet the tech wing uses 10 year old peices of crap, all of them have had some hardware replaced, and only 90 fucking percent of the time
and those have to run shitton programs
serveral hundred thousand dollars in macs = researching with safari. nothing more. nothing less. we cant even print
few hundred dollars on used computers = 3d modeling, graphic design, coding, lab computers, school projects.

they waste all the money on those useless shits, new gym, new weigh room, new football fiel, and our robotics team doesnt get half a penny from the school, and we need 16,000USD just to go to 1 competition

school board r cunty


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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on November 08, 2010, 04:32:47 AM ---FOOTBALL YEAH

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how many people percentage wise, make a living running in circles fighting over balls while wearing extremely tight pants, while playing with eachother in mud?

besides the gayporn starrs


--- Quote from: Cake Faic on October 07, 2010, 03:03:05 PM ---Oh god, I remember in elementary school where we still used those dell gx's and ran them in 1024x800 (and we still run that res today) or some shit like that.

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Fuck I just nostalgia'd sooooo hard D:

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Degtyarev on November 08, 2010, 11:42:58 PM ---how many people percentage wise, make a living running in circles fighting over balls while wearing extremely tight pants, while playing with eachother in mud?

besides the gayporn starrs

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Those 'gayporn stars' could kick your ass too.


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