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Your school computers?

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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on September 28, 2010, 04:48:38 PM ---My school has the same fucking computer! But our budget is invested into dumb shit, like painting over a huge ass painting in the cafeteria that cost at least $1k. And as I mean painting over, I mean making the wall white again. The painting isn't that old. But our principal is a tool.

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our school has same comp too but different specs. out budget is in dumbshit like a new weight room. atlewast 20k in that alone, plus ton of repainting cafeteria too. a lunch costs 1.75 for s shitburger, burnt chicken on a bun, or a burger made of bison (our school's thing is a bison WTF) or a pig penis with tomato paste on it. technology is old, 1 tech room with currently 53 people in 1 class, no plans to add new room. our FIRST robotics team gets 0 funding from school, and we need many thousands of dollars for it. we raise every dollar through fund raising. shits so gay

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Marked One on September 28, 2010, 05:03:28 PM ---our school has same comp too but different specs. out budget is in dumbshit like a new weight room. atlewast 20k in that alone, plus ton of repainting cafeteria too. a lunch costs 1.75 for s shitburger, burnt chicken on a bun, or a burger made of bison (our school's thing is a bison WTF) or a pig penis with tomato paste on it. technology is old, 1 tech room with currently 53 people in 1 class, no plans to add new room. our FIRST robotics team gets 0 funding from school, and we need many thousands of dollars for it. we raise every dollar through fund raising. shits so gay

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To be honest, they are more interested in agriculture and what we wear than what we actually learn. About 20-40% of the people here are just going to be farmers anyway, and most of them are rednecks. Devie and Proudly Infected probably had the same problems too.


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on September 28, 2010, 06:21:33 PM ---To be honest, they are more interested in agriculture and what we wear than what we actually learn. About 20-40% of the people here are just going to be farmers anyway, and most of them are rednecks. Devie and Proudly Infected probably had the same problems too.

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lol renecks

newyork has lowest redneck population EVAR
besides florida.
our school is jsut about sports. gay as fuck. lets see people make a single dollar lifting a weight (bets not included -.-)
now lets laugh as they cry when everyone else makes millions with something thats from technology.
our school computers = 2 years old, shitty, and crash every other time. not usable for anything for classes because of that. so our tech teachers used home laptops for classes and hope that the school internet is up for once and that all the .gov and .eu sites arnt blocked.
cause as we know, .gov sites means porns -.-


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on September 28, 2010, 06:21:33 PM ---To be honest, they are more interested in agriculture and what we wear than what we actually learn. About 20-40% of the people here are just going to be farmers anyway, and most of them are rednecks. Devie and Proudly Infected probably had the same problems too.

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That's so true.
It's either being a farmer - or landscaping... That's what most rednecks want to be. As for redneck girls, they want to be some kind of cosmetologist. Or they just get knocked up at age 16, drop out and spend 4 years trying to get their GED and once they do - they quit everything and be a stay at home mom living with some guy she met at mcdonalds and the kid she had would be yelling at his "step-daddeh"  for him to get off the couch and get a job and the "step-daddeh" would just cuss his ass out and tell him to get him a beer.

So far, people here are pretty clueless about computers. They don't know anything except get on facebook and talk about how life sucks and how God is still awesome for that. Oh and how high they were last night and quotes of redneck songs they like involving a banjo and a bottle that says XXX on it.

» Magic «:
This is what lower school have, My bro gave me the model #'s

Compaq Evo

1.6ghz p4
512mb ram
intel gma

Upper school has some HP model but I can't findz


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