Bans (Read Only) > Approved
DerTontaiLama's Ban Appeal
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s)
Why I am banned, and what happend is here, in a report thread made by Axule:,8079.0.html
--- Quote ---Axule:
Lama had been suspecious a few times, killing Traitors without a reason. Finally Dark and I realized he was ghosting or hacking, later to find out it was hacks.
--- End quote ---
Axule seems to be primarily charging me for that incident where I killed 2 T's right after eachother. So I will focus on that.
Yeah, I did kill them. But not with hacks. I did it out of instinct.
The reason to I killed the first traitor, was because he stalked me into a smaller room with only one exit... I would not stand still, because if I did, he could go for an insta-headshot, so I jumped around the room. He kept staying in one place, following my every movement around the room, till I finally jumped up onto one of the window ledges where he blocked me, pulled out his deagle.
So, when he first followed me into the room, followed me every movement, blocked me, and pulled out his deagle - I knew that he was going to murder me, so I shot him before that could happen.
Turns out, he was the Traitor. And I was releifed. Shortly after, the other Traitor, which I later shot too, entered. I had already suspected him, since I had seen him along with the Traitor I just killed, all peacefully. When he said "Wow, nice job!", I decided he was the Traitor, since I always use that tactic myself, to sound like one of the innocent. And I shot him. He was the Traitor... I can agree now when I look through it again, that it was a dumb and unfair move made by me. But I was certainly not hacking.
Finally, I got 2 choices in these situations:
1) Shot the prime suspect, he is Traitor - get into trouble with the server.
2) Do not shot the prime suspect, get shot right after - Repeat this every round.
--- Quote ---Dark Pacifist
After being warned several times by several of us he started practically bragging about it and started calling out and killing T's with no logical proof.
--- End quote ---
I did not to this on purpose. After the round ended, I seemed to have started a shitstorm, and just tried to take it cool.
However, after people kept napping at me for hacking, I got sarcastic and said things like: "Of course I was hacking! How else would you expect me to kill you?!" - And that is what people misunderstood for "bragging". I was being sarcastic through out this.
--- Quote ---Axule:
SS4&5: Leaving after VIP joins
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
*I used Falcon's vote change for a reference between the two
--- End quote ---
Pure coincedence.
Before I began making this appeal, I actually decided to contact Axule, and tell him my side of the story. He seemed pretty relax about it, and could see that it could maybe be changed to RDM instead of hacking. - He somewhat promised me to post in this thread as a clerafication for you guys to see I acutally spoke with him.
Point is, I do not not hack. I do not RDM either, I try to avoid that at every cost. However, I don't care if I get an RDM stamp onto my face, as long as it makes me play on the server again. Since, I could not imagine you guys just removing the "hacking" accusement and let me play again.
6. Reason for appeal
Could as well have been RDM.
So instead of banning me for hacking, change it to RDM instead, and soften the ban to "something that is not permanent".
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s),8079.0.html
8. Link to sourceban page
That should be everything. Thank you for reading through. And please, ask any questions if you are un-sure of something.
Man,i had to suffer without random TTT server for 3 weeks :(.
I feel your yeah
Unban :thumbsup:
We did talk about this.
Right now I'm at school, so I can't type much.
I'm going to check the report again to be sure, but I believe he did attack innocents once or twice, which is weird when you have T hacks.
If it looks good to me, I'll support this.
I used to play with him long before and he was perfectly fine, I don't see why he would have changed now.
to be perfectly honest
i've usually been able to look at someone and just tell if they're acting like a traitor or not
however, i don't usually act on it
i would say give him another chance.
I've always been annoyed when it's bleedingly obvious someone is traitor, but I can't kill them because they haven't shot me yet.
not saying this is evidently the case here, but it wouldn't hurt to cut him some slack.
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