Entertainment (Read Only) > Anime & Manga
Itchy's Anime Thread
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on October 31, 2010, 06:50:01 PM ---Spoiler (click to show/hide)
sometimes however, I get carried away and start drawing the shading on the character first, before I decide I want something else in the picture to be dark... so yeah. It can get a bit messy.
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yeah thats what happens to me :/
I usually start shading from the bottom to top. Or whatever I see that is in need of shading desperately LOL
idk yeah I hate it when that happens. I never thought of doing it from left to right though. makes sense XD
from 10000 years ago.
oh yeah, and I noticed in the original image of this, there was a playboy poster on the wall... ._.
I hop u like it =D
nice drawings :p
keep up gewd werx :D
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on October 31, 2010, 07:01:02 PM ---
from 10000 years ago.
oh yeah, and I noticed in the original image of this, there was a playboy poster on the wall... ._.
I hop u like it =D
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can i make it my default pic? :D do i have permission? :D
lol sure if you really want to.
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