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If you all remember Abercrombie&Fintch

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Dr. Insano:
Wait a second, that's Abercrombie?
That person has been sitting in my Unchecked "Invites" tab for months.
I thought he was just some random person who sent me an Invite.

What a douchebag.
Seriously, I hate people who are like this.
I used to have a friend like this(RL friend) and I hate him so much.

Im scared a stupid ppl D:

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Eddy on September 25, 2010, 01:08:15 AM ---What a douchebag.
Seriously, I hate people who are like this.
I used to have a friend like this(RL friend) and I hate him so much.

--- End quote ---
Hence the name "Abercrombie&Fitch"

But he's not a bad guy.

He's just not that bright.


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