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Story for a Half Life 2 Episode 3 Trailer and Portal 3
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there isn't going to be a Portal 3.
They might cameo it into EP3 though.
Then again, EP3 is a myth itself.
The chances of a Portal 3 is about 1 in a million. EP3 won't come out until probably another year.
EP3 Trailer ideas-HL3 trailer ideas
A clip of them in a helicopter flying against a lot of combine(all of the combine forces started to move in ep2, probably into antartica to the Combine base)
A clip of the combine seeing them on the radar?
Some action where the combine start moving towards the helicopter and then the screen fades out
Im bored ./
Hello, Alyx.
Look at your father. Now back to me. Now back to your father. Now back to me.
Sadly, he isn't me. But if he stopped being dead and missing one leg he could walk like he's me.
Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're on a Combine ship, with the man your dad could smell like.
What's in your hand? I have it. It's a personality core, with two chances to save the world you love. Look again. The chances are now MOON DUST.
Anything is possible when your dad is alive like GMan and not a lady. I'm in space.
Bullet Freeman:
this looks like something djy1991 would screen
Half-Life Full-life Consequences: Free Man
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