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Movies subforum

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     I was thinking about  having a movies subforum and it seemed like it would be a cool addition. My idea would be that someone makes a thread in the subforum titled the movie they want to discuss, ask questions about, or whatever. 
Suggested Format For a New Thread in the subforum(if it is made):

Topic Name:
Whatever the movie is called     


If you are answering someone's question about the movie, quote their question and answer it here.

Your rating of the movie from 1-10*

Comments on specific parts of the movie that made you laugh, or stood out to you in any way.

Questions about the movie's content, whether you think it will have a sequel, or whatever really in this part.

Examples of how it would be good:
 1) I am torn between seeing let's say "The Expendables" and "Devil" (those are just 2 random recent movies i thought of). I look in the Movies subforum, see a topic about each, and read how people though it was, and further comments about it. This may help me decide which one is better to see.
 2) I just saw a movie and I don't understand certain parts of it. I could make a thread, if there isn't one already, and ask my questions about it.

*10 being the highest

P.S. For everyone who made it to the bottom:  :cake:  :cake:  :cake:

rotten tomatoes . com


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on September 23, 2010, 01:38:37 PM ---rotten tomatoes . com

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meh i know there are sites like that. i still think it would be cool just to be able to have it here. if the suggestion is not accepted then it is what it is.


--- Quote from: jman15234 on September 23, 2010, 01:41:56 PM ---meh i know there are sites like that. i still think it would be cool just to be able to have it here. if the suggestion is not accepted then it is what it is.

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no i mean thats where I will get information from to post on this thread.


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on September 23, 2010, 01:53:21 PM ---no i mean thats where I will get information from to post on this thread.

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yaaaaayy! :D


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