Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

8/25/2011 Application: Pilot

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Pilot's VIP Application

General Information



June 26th

Pacific Time Zone

Gaming Information

In-game Name
=BTD= Pilot

SF Name

Steam ID

Games Owned
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Garry's Mod
HL2, Ep1/2, Lost Coast, DM
Moonbase Alpha aeiou
Why I want to be VIP:

I believe I could make good use with the votekick and voteban

features; I'm a tolerant person, but I realize when action ought to

be taken against a minge, RDMer, or whoever may be disrupting

other's gameplay.

The VIP tag doesn't just show your rank; it shows that your a well-

respected and trusted member of the community. A VIP is also someone

that anyone can get help and advice from. I enjoy helping people and

watching them succeed. With a VIP tag, I believe my words would go

further and mean more to those in need, if you know what I mean.

For example, who's word would you trust when getting help on your

homework; the average classmate, or the teacher?

Why I should be VIP:

The word "should" bugs me a bit - as stated by numerous others, VIP

is earned, not asked for. However, to answer the question, I believe

my tolerance of others and experience in rNd qualifies me for VIP.

I'd go into more detail, but it's the community's decision on

whether or not I should be VIP.

I kept this application very short, and very simple; I felt that

adding anything more (situations, for example) would be repetitious,

as I would do the same thing as any other VIP in a bad situation -

examine the situation, get the stories from each side, and then

decide whether or not a votekick/ban or report is needed.

I'd like to thank Don for many parts of the application, and Sabb

for pushing me to apply. If you need to contact me, go ahead and add

me on Steam (pilotdeath), or send me a forum PM. I don't check my e

-mail too often, but I will definitely get back to you if you Steam

me or Forum PM me.

:thumbsup: from me

He honestly is a really good player and I think I have known him for long enough to tell that he is VIP Ready.

Do want.

He's been around for quite a while, knows rules quite well, acts mature and everything and I never see him rage.
I also asked him to apply for VIP so :>.

As I've said before, we need a lot more VIPs, and Pilot is definitely a good candidate for it.

Whoa, What?
I only started to notice him in TTT sometime last summer.
Then he disappeared for a while.

I've barely known him, and he still seems kind of 'new',
even if he has been around for a while.

There really needs to be a modify button in this section.

I can't vote because I rarely play gmod anymore so yeah.

But according to sab and tomcat, You seem pretty okay.

He doesn't really post often on the forums, but he's very active on TTT, and has often played L4D2 in our little sex parties and such, and we'd have a great time.


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