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Mickey's TTT guide (So Detailed :D)

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What's up guys, heres Mickey with his very first guide!!! (w00t). In this guide i will tell you about TTT: Weapons, Tactics, Tips. Please reply if you like it, or if you have any suggestions.
Now click the part that you like to see according to your level.

Spoiler: beginners (click to show/hide)  If you just started playing, and don't know what to do in this game, read this part.
Firstly, you should know the main concept of the game: A small group of traitors is randomly selected. As a traitor, you must kill all the other players(except for your traitor buddies). As an innocent, you must find out the traitors, and kill them. For detective, you can use your tools to help innocents to find traitors. You can't respawn until the next round in TTT. In your left bottom corner, there are informations the game and your role. Now if you check out the scoreboard, you should see a tab called "karma". It indicates the damage you deal. The higher it is, the more damage you do. You can gain karma by killing traitors (depends on the karma of the traitor) or not attacking your buddys(if you dont hit your teamate in the whole round, you can gain 30 karma for each round). You lose karma for attacking your teamates.(the amount you lose also depends on his karma).

Spoiler: Know your weapons (click to show/hide)Pistol: A short-mid range pistol that shoots 9mm bullets. I dont suggest this weapon as its firing rate is low so when you are fighting with group of ppl, you will die easily.
Deagle:A powerful pistol also for short-mid range. If you deal like 80% damage and headshot someone, he's gonna die for sure, making its slow firing rate worth it.
Glock: A new weapon added to TTT. It's semi-auto so you can hold your trigger, and watch blood coming from your enemy. However its damage is low.

Mac10: A short range SMG with high firing rate and medium damage. I suggest this weapon as it can kill fast with high karma.
M16: Mid-Long range rifle. It's accuracy is so great that you can easily hit someone far away. 2-3 headshots can kill a guy with full health.
Rifle: Long range sniper rifle. Go hunting, and win as it's 2-3 shots kill (depends on where you hit him)
Huge: The beast of short range. Try to find small groups of people and when they all stick close together, fire and you get'em all. It's also friend of people with low karma as it fires fast and has huge mag.
Shotgun: Short-range weapon, can kill a person with 2-3 shots if all bullets hit him. 1 shot kill with close range headshot!

Traitor's weapons/equipments:
Knife: The only melee weapon that can do one hit kills, but leave evidence on the body so detective can easily find you out if the body is not disposed properly.
Radar: Shows the location of other players but have a kinda cool-down time. It's a must for big maps as innocents can hide in any corners.
Newton Launcher: It shoots people away from you. I suggest to use it on maps with rooftops as they usually die by the fall.
C4: Explosives. Try to plant one in those houses that people usually hang out.
Teleporter: Can teleport you to your last saved position. It's good for escaping but if you are so unlucky that someone passes by your teleport location , you just sent yourself to doom...
Disguiser: Using it will hide your name when people aim at you, making them not knowing who you are. It's almost a must to use it if you are sniping so people wont call you out.
Silenced pistol: Silenced version of the normal pistol. The victim wont shout if he's killed by a silenced pistol.
Armor: Make you harder to die, of course.
Flare gun: You can burn bodies with it, making people unable to seach it.
Radio: You can play sounds(like C4, death, etc).
Decoy: Fake a radar signal so the detective will see it if he have a radar.
Poltergeist: Make props crazy , flying around, and finally explode.

Detective's weapons/equipments:
Radar: Shows the location of other players.
Teleporter: Teleport you to your last saved position.
Health Station: Allow others to heal from it.
Defuser: Defuse a C4 without the interaction (cutting wires, or the old code)
Binoculars: Allow you to search a body from distance.
Visualizer: Show the scene of where the killer kill the victim when you put it near a body(must be killed by guns).
UMP phototype: A SMG for Detective. It can do the effect of "stunning" as the target's sight will be turned by it.
DNA scanner: every detective have it in the beginning of rounds. You can scan bodies so it can show the location of the killer. But sometimes it's not reliable as people rdm so i dont suggest you guys to follow it everytime.
Spoiler: Normal (click to show/hide) After the basics, you should be able to get some kills in traitor rounds. Now it's the part about catching traitorz!!! Some people just shoot those people who follow them or those who killed someone . That's real bad as you lose karma and the other guy lose the chance to kill traitors, as he died. With low karma, you just simply fail as others' damage is higher then you.
Spoiler: Tips about catching traitors (click to show/hide) 1:When you witness some small gunfight, try to shout the names of those who are fighting. One of them may be traitor.
2:When someone is walking near a unidentified body, say the guy's name and try to ID the body. If the body is an innocent, the guy walking is most likely a traitor(except for him trolling). The less risky way to solve this is to keep an eye on him, instead of killing him.
3:Sometimes people will hold an Unidentified body around in public. Don't shoot them! Most of them are trolling, trying to make you kill him and lose karma. Of course if he's really obvious to be hiding the body, kill him.
4:More about trolling, people will hold knife in public and make people kill him. Calm down, and see if he's attacking first.
5:Some people will kill players with low karma, as they lose only a little bit. If you see it happening, dont kill him until he attack more of others.
6:Suspect those who dont get into the traitor tester, but dont shoot until he do something traitorous.
7:Watch people's speech. If he get shot "randomly" and shouted "RDMer", he's might be traitor(innocents who aren't being target rdmed, continuously rdmed should shout traitor)
8:Beware of C4s. If you are not sure of which fuse to be cut, run from it and ask the detective to defuse it with defuser when possible- failing to defuse it will help the traitor a lot.
9:I've been seeing detectives who dont scan bodies. To scan a body for DNA, left click to the body, then right click, find the item you wanna scan, then press "scan".
Spoiler: Expert (click to show/hide) If you suceed to kill some traitors and you are having a good karma, time to be a traitor and keel! Now for some tactics as traitor!
1:In small maps, grab a huge, find small groups kill them all at once while you teamates do the rest.
2:In medium maps, grab a Mac10, find groups of 1/2. Knife one of them and shoot the other.
3:In big maps, try to find a high ground, snipe all of them WITH DISGUISER! People can easily call you out and kill you if you dont use a disguiser. Also you can use your teleporter well by marking some less-populated areas and teleport when you find yourself surrounded by people.
4:If you miss a shot, try to act stupid- shoot the sky, pretend to be trolling, whatever....... just try to hold as long as you can until you find another chance.
5:Work with your teamates, try to interact with them and cooperate with them. (Like you telling him to take out a target while you take the other)
6:Don't call out your teamates. They will be sad D:
7:When rounds start, shout "I am the traitor" or something like that. People will believe that you are just kidding and will not shoot you unless you kill someone.
8:Leave no evidence.
9:When found killing, try to act as an innocent will- ID the body, say why you kill him, then blame for your karma!
Spoiler: Traitor Tactics (click to show/hide) Now here's some common tactics that people use.
Spoiler: Stealth (click to show/hide)Grab a Deagle and a Rifle, sneaking to others' backs and blow their heads off with your Deagle. Or hide on some rooftops or towers to snipe with disguise(recommanded)Spoiler: Rambo (click to show/hide)Take a Huge, murder people in public(With good karma) continuously.Spoiler: Normal (click to show/hide)Using Short-Mid range weapons, attack small groups of people without being spotted. [/color] [/size]
Spoiler: What NOT to do (click to show/hide)In some cases, the one you suspect may not be the traitor. Killing them will cause serious karma loss, so here's some ways to know whether kill, or not.
1: Do NOT kill a guy just because he's holding the gun that the victim died from. It means nothing, there are a lot of guns in the map and having the same gun can not tell anything. Plus, traitors may drop their guns immediately after he killed the guy, so in this way you will wrongly trust the traitor because he's not holding that gun.
2: Do NOT kill those who don't enter the traitor tester, as mentioned above
3: Do NOT rely on the "Last Seen" thing. It can be only a coincident that he see the guy before he die. For example, A is aimming at B, C sniped A while B escaped. B is innocent in this case, so relying on last seen can ruin your karma.
4: Do NOT kill just because the DNA said so. Use some logic first. Some people may kill an innocent who killed the traitor because of his misunderstanding, Some people kill low karma because they think it worth it, Some people kill because he thought he had proof. So don't kill yet.
5: Do NOT kill a guy just because you see him kill someone. He may be an innocent trying to kill a traitor. Wait until he ID the body or whatever, then act.
I hope you guys like the guide, have a good TTT game! Also if i make mistake or if you have any suggestions, please pm me on forum, I will respond asap.

Nice one, i realy like it


--- Quote from: mickey0528 on August 24, 2011, 12:32:11 AM ---6:Those who dont get into the traitor tester are most likely traitors.

--- End quote ---

Presumption  :thumbsdown:  I turn it down as inno often -> and even get killed when some idiot tries to get me to use it and that person has no idea how the thing works, and I'm trying to explain how it actually works - this happens quite often with the one in Minecraft where the lever puller is tested.  Tried explaining that to a D, and almost got killed in one instance - killed in other instances [not on rNd's, but other TTT servers].

--- Quote from: mickey0528 on August 24, 2011, 12:32:11 AM ---7:Watch people's speech. If he get shot "randomly" and shouted "RDMer", he's most likely traitor(innocents would shout "Traitor" :D

--- End quote ---

IMO this one is just a flat out no, and this piece of advice REALLY can set somebody up for losing a lot of karma.

[Taters can be RDM'd, innos can encounter continued RDMers/problem RDMers, etc]

Other than that, I REALLY like the guide.


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on December 04, 2011, 05:48:23 PM ---Presumption  :thumbsdown:  I turn it down as inno often -> and even get killed when some idiot tries to get me to use it and that person has no idea how the thing works, and I'm trying to explain how it actually works - this happens quite often with the one in Minecraft where the lever puller is tested.  Tried explaining that to a D, and almost got killed in one instance - killed in other instances [not on rNd's, but other TTT servers].

IMO this one is just a flat out no, and this piece of advice REALLY can set somebody up for losing a lot of karma.

[Taters can be RDM'd, innos can encounter continued RDMers/problem RDMers, etc]

Other than that, I REALLY like the guide.

--- End quote ---
Thanks for the advices. I'm editing it nao :)

I liked the guide. I might just try to snipe while disguised next time. (How did I not think of that! >.>)


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