Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
8/22/2011 Application: blah2355
blah2355's VIP Application!
Information about myself
Name: Gary
Age: 14
In RND since:About a year
Times online:When I can
Time Zone:Eastern Time zone (US) or GMT -5
Servers I mostly play on: TTT
Steam Name:blah2357/blah2355
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:36042998
Why I want to be VIP: I want to be VIP because there are a shortage of VIP's and I am very active on TTT so I can catch minges on TTT. I also want to help RnD cause I like these servers and community a lot! :)
Someone is holding up the round on Deathrun
1. Ask if afk and tell them to move
2. If afk then start votekick
3. If comes back and goes afk again maybe start votekick/voteban
Someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun
1. Ask why and stop
2. If still then start votekick
3. If still doing it then start voteban
Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
1. Question why and tell to stop
2. Start a votekick if persistent
3. If continuing then tell to stop or voteban
4. If still then start voteban
1. Ask what's the reason for rdm
2. If it was accident then okay
3. If not accident then ask to stop/give warning
4. Still continuing votekick
5. Still continuing voteban
6. Report on forums if still rdming
Someone is glitching
1. Ask them to stop glitching
2. If still glitching, then start votekick
3. If still glitching further, then start voteban
4. If still excessively glitching, report on forums
Someone is using a name changer
1. Immediate votekick
2. Comes back, Immediate voteban
3. If still using, report on forums
Someone is using an aimbot
1. Immediate voteban
2. If still using, report on forums
Someone is using speedhacks
1. Immediate voteban
2. If still using, report on forums
Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Give warning/ask to stop
2. If still, votekick
3. If still, votekick again
4. If still, voteban
ETC information
Contributions to RND:
Well I'm not sure if I have made a lot of contributions to this community but I did report some rdmers and at least some
Games I have (on Steam):
Garry's Mod (sort of)
Methods to contact me:
Steam: blah2357
Skype: blah2355
Friends I have on steam
Mr. Wafflepiez
Captain Communism
Thank you for reading this application :)
Also, thank you Don for reference to this app! ;D
He's a nice player and ive know him for awhile.
I'm too lazy to go into a detailed description and what not, but Blah is just simply not ready at all. Even though we need a lot more VIPs, I wouldn't want to see Blah as one (no offense).
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