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Gcraft RND server

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--- Quote from: andrewerickdias on September 22, 2010, 09:11:05 PM ---Ya I mean its only $13 dollars, 10 euros I believe.

Creepers piss me off those, They keep spawning on the roof of my house and then ambush me when I leave.

--- End quote ---

Make torches, its ur best friend.

I never mentioned any server i favor more than the others..

But ya krasher brought up the links to facepunch and I chexed em out

I set it up to test n stuph.

I'll probably put it up on the rotation server for awhile.

Before that however I want to put some work into it doing some ideas..

And pirate ship wars will probably be next after parasite.

I still gotta find out about the phantom crashing in parasite :/

Anyway I should be posting site announcement but I'll probably do that later.


--- Quote from: Кrаsher on September 22, 2010, 07:27:44 PM ---Thank Me Later.

--- End quote ---

Thank you. Now a good time?

Weve been suggesting many server and wahtnot. And all the time ppl are crazy about it but then no ones plays it.
But I think this gamemode will be good!


--- Quote from: Peetah on September 23, 2010, 01:53:11 PM ---Weve been suggesting many server and wahtnot. And all the time ppl are crazy about it but then no ones plays it.
But I think this gamemode will be good!

--- End quote ---


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