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How to be a good traitor on TTT

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--- Quote from: Apie2 on September 01, 2011, 07:59:11 AM ---Get a sniper and deagle, knife soembody.

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Just aim for the head.

knife the detective first- hide body, taken scanner=enjoy


--- Quote from: Axule on August 21, 2011, 12:03:46 AM ---Thanks for trying, but there is no right way.
It's whatever best fits your style.

Some people like to be obvious, and it works for them, others like to go Rambo and just murder everyone, and hey, it works for them.

and most, if not all, of your advice is common sense.

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I agree with you axule :thumbsup:

Roach :3:

--- Quote from: V-man on August 21, 2011, 12:01:30 AM ---Now ivs seen many goof ups of traitors in TTT and iv caught them that way and now i wanted to tell them how to avoid being caught

1. Hide bodys you have killed, if the map is small and cant find a place then burn it while nobody is looking with a flare gun.

2. Never go mad in public (start killing like mad) try to get some people away from the group  and when they are enought away then you could kill them

3. When you kill a detecive NEVER leave his DNA scanner since innocents will find it and DNA the body which will blow your cover

4. Use knifes if you have low karma.

5. Stick together with you T buds

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That's not about me, if I get H.U.G.E I'll go crazy and no one will stay alive :3

You all might remember what happened in alt_border when I got the H.U.G.E and every one was inside, *game started, after minute every one is dead*

> Use Deagle for close combat
> If your going to snipe always buy a teleporter first so if you get spot you don't want to be stuck in a little room with 3 innos coming to rape you
> Headshots quick and easy always keep you crosshair at neck level ,reason even neck shots count as headshots and if you do miss there will be a chance that you still hit them


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