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Team Fortress item trading thread
--- Quote from: gamefreak on August 17, 2011, 12:02:59 PM ---dude, that's like $25
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:trollface: :trollface: :trollface:
meh im giving away pretty much half of my tf2 inventory for a gift of nuclear dawn
I have a Foster's Facade that I want the fuck off of my hands like right now, so I'll take two scrap for it.
Oh god I am so tired of having a shitload of regular weapons. I have so many, just tell me what you want and i'll see if I have it and sell it to you if I do.
>item drops reset on Wednesday at 8:00 PM EST.
>8:03 PM EST
>find a Googley Gazer
--- Quote from: Jman on August 15, 2011, 08:19:31 PM ---First off, all the stuff I'm selling is preferably for metal only. I'll update this as much as possible by editing this post.
For Sale:
* Buckaroo's Hat
* Big Chief
* Defiant Spartan
* Professor's Peculiarity
* Bombing Run
* Googley Gazer
Strange Weapon(s):
* Strange Minigun
* Strange Gloves of Running Urgently
* Strange Natascha
* Strange Ambassador
* Strange Knife
* Strange Conniver's Kunai
* Strange Revolver (2)
* Strange Powerjack
* Strange Backburner
* Strange Flamethrower
Genuine Weapon(s):
* Genuine Righteous Bison
Vintage Weapon(s):
* Vintage Ambassador
* Vintage Huntsman
* Vintage Bonk! Atomic Punch
* Vintage Natascha
* Vintage Ubersaw
Regular Weapon(s):
* Too many/changes to frequently to name them all. If you go to http://www.tf2items.com/id/jman15234 and look at page 2, I might have what you want.
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I would like that Strange GRU Jman. 1 Reclaimed?
--- Quote from: Cheesicle on August 18, 2011, 05:48:41 AM ---I would like that Strange GRU Jman. 1 Reclaimed?
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Trade me when you can, I'll be glad to sell the GRU.
Also, thread stickied.
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