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Team Fortress item trading thread

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--- Quote from: Cheesicle on June 25, 2012, 07:45:54 PM ---Dude. Your backback isn't even CLOSE to Arma 2. All you have is a bunch of weapons, a strange GRU, and two hats, 1 misc, and 2 halloween items. No one is going to give you even a dirt cheap game for that. If you had unusuals, keys, earbuds, Max severed head, or Bill's Hat, etc, THEN you would have a chance at getting good games

--- End quote ---

some of those are worth more than that.

Genuine Hats (List generated at TF2Toolbox.com)Normal Hats[*]Ghastlierest Gibus
[*]Jumper's Jeepcap
[*]Killer's Kabuto
[*]Legend of Bugfoot
[*]Manniversary Paper Hat

Promo Hats[*]Alien Swarm Parasite
[*]Ellis' Cap (Gold)
[*]Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head (Untradeable)
[*]Summer Shades (Untradeable)

Vintage Weapons[*]Vintage Ambassador (Level 59)
[*]Vintage Backburner (Level 31)
[*]Vintage Blutsauger x 2
[*]Vintage Bonk! Atomic Punch
[*]Vintage Bonk! Atomic Punch (Level 75)
[*]Vintage Buff Banner
[*]Vintage Chargin' Targe
[*]Vintage Cloak and Dagger
[*]Vintage Cloak and Dagger (Level 80)
[*]Vintage Dead Ringer x 2
[*]Vintage Direct Hit
[*]Vintage Equalizer
[*]Vintage Eyelander
[*]Vintage Flare Gun (Level 33)
[*]Vintage Force-A-Nature (Level 99)
[*]Vintage Frontier Justice
[*]Vintage Gunslinger
[*]Vintage Huntsman x 2
[*]Vintage Jarate
[*]Vintage Killing Gloves of Boxing (Level 34)
[*]Vintage Kritzkrieg (Level 88)
[*]Vintage Natascha (Level 57)
[*]Vintage Razorback (Level 25)
[*]Vintage Sandman (Level 60)
[*]Vintage Sandvich
[*]Vintage Sandvich (Level 87)
[*]Vintage Scottish Resistance
[*]Vintage Tribalman's Shiv
[*]Vintage Ubersaw

Normal Weapons[*]Ambassador
[*]Back Scratcher
[*]Battalion's Backup
[*]Bazaar Bargain
[*]Black Box x 2
[*]Boston Basher
[*]Bushwacka (Gifted)
[*]Claidheamh Mòr
[*]Concheror x 2
[*]Cozy Camper
[*]Dalokohs Bar
[*]Disciplinary Action x 2
[*]Fan O'War
[*]Fists of Steel
[*]Gloves of Running Urgently x 2
[*]Killing Gloves of Boxing
[*]Mad Milk x 2
[*]Market Gardener
[*]Nessie's Nine Iron x 2
[*]Pain Train
[*]Postal Pummeler
[*]Sandvich x 2
[*]Shahanshah x 2
[*]Shortstop x 3
[*]Soda Popper
[*]Solemn Vow
[*]Southern Hospitality
[*]Sydney Sleeper
[*]Tribalman's Shiv
[*]Ullapool Caber
[*]Warrior's Spirit
[*]Winger x 2
[*]Wrangler (Untradeable)
[*]Your Eternal Reward x 2

Tools[*]Noise Maker - Winter Holiday

Crates[*]Series 17 Crate
[*]Series 29 Crate
[*]Series 43 Crate
[*]Series 44 Crate x 2
[*]Series 45 Crate x 5

Metal[*]Banana Peel
[*]Barn Door Plank x 2
[*]Cheese Wheel
[*]Goldfish x 2
[*]Pocket Lint x 7
[*]Refined Metal

Steam Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rocket50

Does anyone have a strange machina for trade? I'll be willing to trade most of my pack, if not all for one .-.[/list]

Genuine Hats (List generated at TF2Toolbox.com)[*]Genuine Companion Cube Pin
[*]Genuine Pip-Boy

Vintage Hats[*]Vintage Pyrovision Goggles

Normal Hats[*]Pyrovision Goggles (Untradeable)

Promo Hats[*]Ellis' Cap
[*]Vintage Foster's Facade
[*]Vintage Stockbroker's Scarf

Normal Weapons[*]Ali Baba's Wee Booties
[*]Ambassador (Untradeable)
[*]Cozy Camper
[*]Flare Gun (Untradeable)
[*]Frying Pan
[*]Huntsman (Untradeable)
[*]Jarate (Untradeable)
[*]Killing Gloves of Boxing
[*]Nessie's Nine Iron
[*]Razorback x 2
[*]Sandvich (Untradeable)
[*]Soda Popper
[*]Southern Hospitality

Tools[*]Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
[*]RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code

Crates[*]Series 43 Crate
[*]Series 44 Crate

Steam Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LiamA92

I know this isn't much, (I only started properly a few days ago) but I could use a few better sniper/Heavy weapons to trade.

Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about hats or useless items and just delete them?

I don't care about them, but others do, so I trade for weapons and that. :)


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