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Team Fortress item trading thread

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looks like everyone is selling and no one is buying lol.


--- Quote from: Jman on December 20, 2011, 10:42:01 AM ---I'm still trying to sell my Vintage Bill's Hat and my Unusual Smoking Brain Bucket ;__;

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I have a feeling nobody can afford either of those .__.


--- Quote from: Jman on December 21, 2011, 07:10:40 AM ---I have a feeling nobody can afford either of those .__.

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Lol, of course not. Unless you're willing to discount for your amazing friends ;)


--- Quote from: Cheesicle on December 21, 2011, 07:59:04 AM ---Lol, of course not. Unless you're willing to discount for your amazing friends ;)

--- End quote ---

V. Bills is 2.5 buds, but i'd sell it for 2.

And the Brain Bucket...well I can't really give a discount on that.

This Toast:

--- Quote from: This Toast on December 20, 2011, 01:41:08 PM ---Promo Hats (List generated at TF2Toolbox.com)[*]Ellis' Cap

Normal Weapons[*]Battalion's Backup
[*]Big Earner
[*]Black Box x 2
[*]Blutsauger x 2
[*]Buffalo Steak Sandvich
[*]Dalokohs Bar
[*]Fists of Steel
[*]Frontier Justice
[*]Frying Pan
[*]Market Gardener
[*]Righteous Bison
[*]Scotsman's Skullcutter
[*]Sharpened Volcano Fragment
[*]Tribalman's Shiv
[*]Warrior's Spirit

Crates[*]Naughty Winter Crate x 2
[*]Series 16 Crate x 4
[*]Series 17 Crate x 3
[*]Series 18 Crate x 2
[*]Series 23 Crate x 5
[*]Series 24 Crate x 5
[*]Series 25 Crate x 5
[*]Series 26 Crate x 4
[*]Series 27 Crate
[*]Series 28 Crate x 2
[*]Series 29 Crate x 5
[*]Series 31 Crate x 2
[*]Series 32 Crate x 2
[*]Series 34 Crate

Normal Hats[*]B-ankh!
[*]Emerald Jarate
[*]Fallen Angel
[*]Frontier Flyboy
[*]Garlic Flank Stake
[*]Griffin's Gog
[*]Hair of the Dog
[*]Intangible Ascot
[*]Manniversary Paper Hat
[*]Pickled Paws
[*]Scottish Snarl
[*]Shoestring Budget
[*]Tail From the Crypt

Selling everything above.

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