Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

8/03/2011 Application: Foofoojack


Foofoojack's VIP Application


Cameron, but call me what you like.



In RND since:

I joined the RND servers around the beginning of September of 2010, when one of my friends (Pilot) recommended me to play on the TTT server.

     Just a fact, I was here when the Respected system was in place (All I had to do is ask Moo for it, lol). When the system was changed to Guest>Reg>Vip I gave up on my loss of authority and left the server for awhile. A lot of people would've seen me on the forums long ago if it wasn't for account sign-in errors. (Which is why I asked moo for respected.)

Times online:

School months -

School days = 5 PM to around 10:30 PM. Times may vary.

Weekends = Around 10 AM to 11 PM on and off. Times may vary.

Summer = Around 9-10 AM to around 10-12 PM. Times may vary.

Time Zone:

GMT -8, US & Canada


Oregon, USA. West Coast above California and below Washington.

Servers I mostly play on:

TTT and uncommonly Wirebuild. Fretta if things are not going well in either servers. Diversity would increase upon the granting of VIP.

Steam Name:


Steam ID:


Why I should be VIP:

     Over the countless days throughout RND, mostly speaking about TTT, people have seemed to lose their sense of control and common sense. I have noticed a lack of authority throughout most servers and this lack allows people to do whatever they want, which is not okay with me and most players. I really care about the servers and would like at LEAST a chance at it. Imagine a world without a force that withheld bad actions, like the police, where would we be?

Why I want to be VIP:

     I would like to be VIP for only a few reasons, to make the server better, and to stop those who go against it. I'll make this simple, we need more figures of authority. AND BEFORE you say I am not ready, please rethink that. I do believe I am ready, please do not underestimate how I can help. I am very good at reacting to help messages across Global Chat and believe I would be a relief to anyone seeking help in an issue.


Micspamming and/or being an annoyance to the server:

Revert them to rule #2 while joining the server, it is not punishable, a simple mute negates the problem.

1 RDM:

Explain to the victim that 1 RDM is not punishable, but not allowed, further actions must be looked upon in order to take effect in a report/on sight ban or kick.

More than 1 RDM, caused by total ignorance or frustration:

Look further into the situation, explore both the victim and the suspects sides of the story and issue what feels correct.
Thanks to the new Join/Leave SteamID display add-on, a report can be filed against someone who flees the scene, knowing what they did is not allowed.

Target RDM:

Immediately warn the suspect before hand that it is highly not allowed and a punishment will follow if it does occur.

Prop-spamming on build:

Immediately tell the suspect that the props better be deleted soon for severe punishment will take place, followed by a report if needed.

Disrespecting anybody to the point of dual frustration:

Tell both or one person that disrespecting someone else gets them no where and is not allowed, they should change their ways immediately.

Glitching on purpose:

Look into the incident to make sure the suspect is clearly doing the glitch on purpose and most likely kick the person.

Hacking in any form:

Hacking is a very flexible subject. The person accused of hacking must show valid evidence of hacking and it must be clear the person is gaining an unfair advantage. An immediate ban will occur if things meet up, a later report might be filed.

Any other negative situations will also be taken action on, of course.

Contributions to RND:

None, other than several reports and assistance to players, and the banning of sharpie.eastern, our recent minge.

Things done In-Game:

     As said above, I have done, and am free to help players, whether new or experienced, at any time. I have caught many people that go against the main reason RND, which slowly helps to clean the servers, one by one.

Games I have (on Steam):


Garry's Mod

Half-Life 2
-Lost Coast


Moonbase Alpha


Team Fortress 2


Methods to contact me:

You can contact me via:
Steam: add - foofoojack

Xfire: add - foofoojack

Youtube: add - MrFoofoojack

RND Forums

A few friends active in RND:

Everybody on my friends list, really.


If you believe I am not ready, then at least consider giving me a chance. I do believe VIP is a responsibility and definitely not a right, it may be revoked upon good reasoning.

If you read this, then thank you, reading the most important parts may change your mind and/or opinion on me as a VIP, or getting to know something new.

I HIGHLY regretted taking my last application down, as I did not give many people the chance to vote or throw in their part. I overreacted to a simple two VIP -1's and shouldn't of taken that path.

I have come across too many scenario's where someone is breaking the rules is there is nothing anybody can do anything about it. All I'm asking for is a chance.

Thanks to Don for reference to this app!


Foofoojacks is a good man.
He has been in our community for quite some time, and is very well known to alot of our members.
I ahve had no troubles with his and I think he is very deserving of VIP.
 :thumbsup: from me, and good luck!

The biggest -1 from me.
Shortly after I posted a -1 on his old app because I felt he was often too juvenile for VIP he contacted me on Steam, before this incident I never really had any problems with FooFoo... but he basically tried to call my out on my judgement or something... and acted incredibly ignorant, arrogant, and over all stupid.

The conversation I had with him was extremely long and basically consisted of FooFoo trying to subtly imply that he knows all this shit about the community and thinks I'm going to be demoted or something along those lines. Obviously, he wouldn't tell me word by word though, because he's too juvenile for that.

Now, the conversation I had with FooFoo over Steam was extremely long, and I unfortunately forgot to save it for future reference... but I have a piece of it from my post in his previous application.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Foofoojack: I don't get what your bringing across :<
Sabb: its kind of self explanatory?
Foofoojack: Sure, it is, but its not in detail which I would like :/
Sabb: it doesnt have to be in detail? i dont want to go into a 9001 word essay explaining when you ahve acted juvenile
Foofoojack: We had about 4 people on TTT this morning that were rdming to nipples heavens and rejoined to reset their karma
Foofoojack: Sheeps was there the /whole/ time
Foofoojack: when the whole server noticed a T knife his buddy, Sheeps response was "meh"
Foofoojack: then he left
Foofoojack: server is falling into the depths of chaos
Foofoojack: /just sayin
Sabb: want an example of your juvenile behavior?
Foofoojack: go
Sabb: Foofoojack: I don't get what your bringing across :<
Sabb: its kind of self explanatory?
Foofoojack: Sure, it is, but its not in detail which I would like :/
Sabb: it doesnt have to be in detail? i dont want to go into a 9001 word essay explaining when you ahve acted juvenile
Foofoojack: We had about 4 people on TTT this morning that were rdming to nipples heavens and rejoined to reset their karma
Foofoojack: Sheeps was there the /whole/ time
Foofoojack: when the whole server noticed a T knife his buddy, Sheeps response was "meh"
Foofoojack: then he left
Foofoojack: server is falling into the depths of chaos
Foofoojack: /just sayin
Foofoojack: oh good one
Sabb: im not joking
Foofoojack: exactly what me and seb predicted
Sabb: because im not doing what you want me to do
Sabb: you try to insult the servers
Sabb: to act like you dont want it anyways
Sabb: so thank you, come again
Foofoojack: yeah im applying for VIP yet I dont want it
Sabb: derp
Sabb: implying people dont act that way all the time
Sabb: and implying thats not similar to what you did
Foofoojack: yep, exactly what I expected, very predictable
Sabb: yw

Now, aside from his incredibly ignorant personality and immaturity, he is also a great minge. I don't have any specific examples, and don't have any proof of anything, but he's caused a lot of problem from what I have seen in some occasions, and apparently likes to stretch it further when there isn't VIP present.

He is definitely NOT VIP material... probably myppl8 would do a better job.



--- Quote from: Sabb on August 03, 2011, 09:02:19 PM ---immaturity, he is also a great minge. I don't have any specific examples, and don't have any proof of anything, but he's caused a lot of problem from what I have seen in some occasions, and apparently likes to stretch it further when there isn't VIP present.

He is definitely NOT VIP material... probably myppl8 would do a better job.


--- End quote ---

As the only example I have, and I know its not breaking any rules, but it is INCREDIBLY frustrating.

Started out fine enough.

Then it got worse.

I was joined under an alias, watching sharpie.eastern (and everyone else, for that matter.)

I agree with Sabb, although maybe not quite so harsh about it. He can be immature, and I know hes just having fun. However, I don't think he can mature enough to handle VIP responsibly.

It's been a long time since I last gave a proper explanation for -1ing VIP apps, but it's time.

This is a really strong -1 from my side.

Now, where do I start ...
I'll start with your application itself because I did see a few things of interest.

--- Quote from: Peetah on August 03, 2011, 08:53:46 PM ---TTT and uncommonly Wirebuild. Fretta if things are not going well in either servers. Diversity would increase upon the granting of VIP.

--- End quote ---

Why would it increase when you get VIP? Gaining a position of power shouldn't really affect your activity. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it sounds really odd.

--- Quote ---None, other than several reports and assistance to players, and the banning of sharpie.eastern, our recent minge.

--- End quote ---
Bans are not contributions. It's like saying you did society a favour by killing your neighbour.

--- Quote ---I have come across too many scenario's where someone is breaking the rules is there is nothing anybody can do anything about it. All I'm asking for is a chance.

--- End quote ---
You keep saying how many rule breakers there are everywhere and how much you report, yet all you have done is 4 reports. If you do see rule breakers every time you are on the servers, then how come you have barely ever reported any of them? It doesn't make sense to me.

Overall your app seems fairly cocky and seems to rely purely on you repeatedly stating how minge-infested the servers are and how there is a huge lack of authority. You never give one valid reason in regards to why you should be VIP. Whether that is a valid argument or not can be discussed, but stating it three times is not the way to go, especially when the original question is why you should be VIP.

Now that this is out of the way, I want to over your behaviour right after/during your last app, which Sabb has sort-of brought up already.
You telling sabb that he's gonna regret it, >implying that he's gonna get demoted and how it doesn't pay off was absolutely ridiculous. Yes, it might have been an "act of rage", but that is not an excuse.
I don't know if that was intentional or if I just imagined it, but even on the forums you acted like a huge idiot for a couple of days.
I have -1d others when they were doing something similar to this afer their denied VIP app, and you were just as bad, if not worse, so I'll take that as a reason as well.

Now to the main reason ...
I have played with you both under my normal name and under disguise, and there's just a few things that really rustled my jimmies.
Whenever you get bored or annoyed in the slightest, you become incredibly annoying and often do shit like Deacon posted. Sure, you might think it's funny, but others just want to play normally and you're definitely not giving them a normal and trouble-free experience.
Added to that, you just keep.on.complaining. There have been many people that just complain constantly, but you sometimes bring it to a whole new level.
You take every single opportunity to talk bad about people, the servers and generally everything. That behaviour even reflects on your conversation with Sabb and on your app - on both, you mention how bad the servers are regarding authority. Yes, I keep repeating this point because it is something that is impossible to not notice and it's a very bad attitude that should not be there when going for a position like VIP.

In general, I'm afraid I can't really say I enjoy playing with Foofoojack. Whenever I see him with admins, he seems to be okay - doesn't RDM, doesn't say much, just an average player. However, this does change quite a lot when no one seems to be around. It turns douchey.
I don't hate you foofoo. I just think you're fine where you are with Regular.

  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:



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