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.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. SVN Manager v1.0.0.1
Hello everyone! -Screen shots below-
Now translated in 5 different languages other than English (Spanish, German, Chinese, French) including 1337 speak!
Want to translate into your native language? (Or improve current translations) Check bottom of post!
REQUIRES 'Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1' <--- Click!!
I'd like to introduce you to the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. SVN Manager, a GUI Front-end for the popular form of project distribution 'Subversion'.
This program was intended to replace the popular 'Tortoise SVN' used by many in the following ways:
* Simplistic
* Portable
* Lightweight
- The program was intended to be VERY easy to use. A couple of clicks and your off installing Wire Mod or Phoenix Model Pack.
- The program was also intended to be installed on a flash-drive or something similar. Easy to bring to a friends house if internet is slow there, etc.
- The program is also very lightweight when in comparison to Tortoise SVN.
Combined with a list of 92 addons/gamemodes/modules to start, use should be no problem!
Share custsvn.dat lists with your friends or post them for others to use!
LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2011
Spoiler: English Changelog (click to show/hide).:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Productions
--Please checkout our website at <>!
"Major" Release 1.0.0 R1
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• German language updated *Thx Don
• Some minor UI tweaks for languages
"Major" Release 1.0.0
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• Implemented multithreaded SVN queue
• Drag and drop support for importing SVN custsvn.dat 's
• Tweaks and minor additions
• Updated translations
• !! Previous translators: Please download the hotfix translation file
"Nice" Release 0.9.5
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• SVN Binaries Updated
• UI Tweaks for different language translations
• French language translation added
"Nice" Release 0.9.4
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• SVN Binaries Updated
• Dates Updated
• Find GMod Directory Implementation
• **Yomo for suggestion and enngawa for his code method
"Nice" Release 0.9.3
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• Chinese Translation added
• German Translation Fixes
"Nice" Release 0.9.2
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• 1337 Translation added
• Minor UI tweaks to accomodate languages
"Nice" Release 0.9.1
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• German Translations Updated/Fixed
• Spanish Translations Updated/Finished
• Site URL updated
• PPEP added to SVN List
"Nice" Release 0.9.0
-Updates/Changes in this release-
• All Known/Reported Bugs Fixed
• Translations now supported!
• Highlighting of SVN logs and ability to save them.
• Code Cleanup/Optimized for Speed
First Public Release 0.8.3
-This release supports the following-
• Extremely Simple
• Lots of Diverse Functionality
• Lightweight and Fast
• Backwards Compatibility
• Free
Please don't hesitate to report bugs or new ideas to the project :)
Spoiler: Deutsch Changelog (click to show/hide).:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Productions
--Schaut euch auch unsere website an unter <>!
"Haupt" Release 1.0.0
-Updates in diesem Release-
• Multithreaded SVN Warteschlangen implementiert
• "Drag and drop" support für das importieren von SVNs über eine custsvn.dat. Das heisst, um neue SVNs in den Manager zu importieren müsst ihr nur die custsvn.dat in den Manager ziehen, der erledigt den Rest.
• Kleinere verbesserungen und Dinge, die neu hinzugefügt wurden.
• Überarbeitete Übersetzungen
• !! Vorherige Übersetzer: Bitte die hotfix Datei downloaden und übersetzen!
"Nice" Release 0.9.3
-Updates/Veränderungen in diesem Release-
Chinesische Übersetzung hinzugefügt
Deutsche Übersetzung verbessert
"Nice" Release 0.9.2
-Updates/Veränderungen in diesem Release-
1337 Übersetzung hinzugefügt
Kleinere UI verbesserungen um Sprachen zu verbessern
"Nice" Release 0.9.1
--Updates/Veränderungen in diesem Release-
Deutsche Übersetzung verbessert/geupdated
Spanische Übersetzung beendet/geupdated
Website Link hinzugefügt
PPEP zur SVN Liste hinzugefügt
"Nice" Release 0.9.0
-Updates/Veränderungen in diesem Release-
Alle bekannten/gemeldeten Fehler behoben
Übersetzungen hinzugefügt!
Highlighten von SVN Logs und die Möglichkeit, diese zu speichern.
Erster öffentlicher Release 0.8.3
-Dieser Release unterstützt folgendes-
Extrem simples managen von SVNs
Viele verschiedene Funktionalitäten
Leichtgewichtig und schnell
Rückwärts Kompabilität
Bitte scheut euch nicht davor, bugs und neue ideen zum Projekt zu melden! Benutzt dazu einfach die Website.
- Supports saving encrypted passwords per SVN.
- Option to automatically check SVN for updates on click, compare revisions, etc.
- Other features are planned such as automatically updating all or list of svn's and drag n drop list imports.
The program also insures that every SVN installed does not include the thousands of SVN files that could possibly conflict with whatever is using the SVN.
While this application was created with the intention of being used by Garry's Mod users, the application has no problems with any other SVN you give it.
If anything is unclear or if there are any suggestions or bugs, I would like to request them posted in this thread.
Updates will be as frequent as possible to resolve any conflicts and update list/subversion as needed.
Thanks and enjoy! -coolz
<Download> -- Installer LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2011
<Download> -- No Installer LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2011
<Download> -- RSM Default .dat file ( contains updated svn urls! Do not need if using setup/nosetup with newer date! ) -Updated 10/01/2010-
USE THE LATEST VERSION OF 7ZIP <> (at least 9.20 or greater)
Note! If you install and run this program in Vista or Windows 7 with UAC enabled, the program will write to WINDOWS_DRIVE:\Users\WINDOWS_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\rANdOm.... - I cannot do anything about this without requiring administrator permission, which I will NOT do. If UAC is not enabled/the application is started with administrator permission/the application is installed where you do not need administrator permission this will not occur.
I highly recommend installing to the desktop, flashdrive, documents, etc to avoid all possible hassles.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)- SVN Q -
- SVN Log Highlighting -
- RSM in Japanese! -
- Main Window -
- Installing Dark RP Game Mode SVN -
- Program Settings -
- Adding an SVN -
- Main Window with Extra Options Showing -
- Program Information Window -
Willing to translate!? Thanks! ^^
Download translation pack here! ( readme.txt included ) LAST UPDATED: 05/10/2010
!! Previous Translators !! : Please download the hotfix translation file and submit to me via PM to update your language!
USE THE LATEST VERSION OF 7ZIP <> (at least 9.20 or greater)
-- Japanese is currently? being translated by Yomogimochi
-- German is translated by DoeniDon THANKS!
-- Spanish is translated by Frank THANKS! **NEEDS UPDATE
-- 1337 is translated by Magic THANKS! **NEEDS UPDATE
-- Chinese is translated by Cheesicle THANKS! **NEEDS UPDATE
-- French is translated by Silent THANKS! **NEEDS UPDATE
Amazing work Coolz. Take my virginity :D
I was waiting for repaste trolol
--- Quote from: Frank on September 18, 2010, 05:26:45 AM ---yays
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Peetah on September 18, 2010, 07:12:47 AM ---Amazing work Coolz. Take my virginity :D
--- End quote ---
alright *unzips*
--- Quote from: Tomcat on September 18, 2010, 11:28:46 AM ---I was waiting for repaste trolol
--- End quote ---
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