Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

7/28/2011 Application: Axule

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--- Quote from: » Magic « on July 28, 2011, 02:19:03 PM ---:thumbsup:

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: coolzeldad on July 28, 2011, 04:26:16 PM ---For votes to count, an Admin or VIP MUST put their reasoning or best explain their bias for voting the way they did.

--- End quote ---

>Not included as friend.
> :(


Spoiler (click to show/hide)Itroll.

Axule is a very mature person. I enjoy talking with him and hes easy to deal with.
He may have done some questionable things in the past, But I believe he's changed.

I was withholding my vote.
I didn't want to be this guy.
But I just can't get away from it.

Copied from his last app:

--- Quote ---Pointing at what he brought up himself. He has shown to me that he will exploit when he can. He found a glitch on my MC server, stole things. He then came back with a false name, which i (stupidly) fell for. Now I'm not holding a grudge here; He has long since apologized on both occasions. However, those incidents tell me a little about him.

I know his thoughts are in the right place. But I don't think hes able to handle the responsibility of it.
--- End quote ---

I do think he has changed.
I do think he has tried on many occasions to prove himself.
I do now consider him my friend.
But I just cannot shake the feeling in my stomach when it was not very long ago that he told me he enjoyed breaking the rules because it gave him a rush.

Axule, I think you should wait a bit (but thats only my opinion).

-1, can be mingey. Went to check a body in TTT. He activated a trap on me when he was innocent.

Well, this is a hard decision...
As others have said, in the past you were breaking a lot of rules, I've only have kicked you for karma farming
as much as I can remember, but I were hearing that you were breaking other rules as well.
However it seems you have changed.

Now what impresses me is your reports. You seem to be doing a great job.
By that I think that you do care about this community and you have changed.


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