Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Alright, how do I reformat my computer?

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If you're going to dual boot, download GParted

If you have CP or something you can get into trouble with the law for, use Darik's boot and nuke

if you only need one partition, use the formatting function that comes with install disk

Destructive recovery makes it reset to factory defaults, meaning, every single little thing that wasn't on there when it was made, is going to go poof.
Don't worry, it won't damage your computer, just be ready to download a shitload of stuff again.

I know this because I've done it before Dx


--- Quote from: Crash on July 28, 2011, 01:16:54 PM ---If you're going to dual boot, download GParted

If you have CP or something you can get into trouble with the law for, use Darik's boot and nuke

if you only need one partition, use the formatting function that comes with install disk

--- End quote ---

I'm assuming those options save the operating system, so I wouldn't need to reinstall that with the Windows 7 disk I don't have?

I would use DBnB


--- Quote from: Tomcat on July 28, 2011, 01:46:10 PM ---I would use DBnB

--- End quote ---


would it save the operating system or not? If unclear, I can always set up my old computer on the kitchen counter and test it out on that.


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