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FML Panel!!!
Hey, I'm making a gamemode and I'm trying to get a derma panel but everytime I run it I get and LUA Error saying that it can't call a global nil value, something like that. Below is mai code and the error XD Thank you for any help given.
--- Code: ---function set_team()
local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
frame:SetPos( ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 )
frame:SetSize( 200, 210 )
frame:SetTitle( "Get Team!" )
frame:SetVisible( true )
frame:SetDraggable( false )
frame:ShowCloseButton( false )
team_1 = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame )
team_1:SetPos( frame:GetTall() / 2, 5 )
team_1:SetSize( 80, 100 )
team_1:SetText( "Join a team!" )
team_1.DoClick = function()
RunConsoleCommand( "team1" )
concommand.Add("team_menu", set_team)
--- End code ---
And now the Error.
--- Code: ---[gamemodes\dodgeball\gamemode\init.lua:60] attempt to index global 'vgui' (a nil value)
--- End code ---
I'm not good at lua or anything but post the whole code maybe, and which is line 60? Maybe that will help to fix this error.
--- Quote from: Majora's Mask on September 17, 2010, 09:41:43 PM ---I'm not good at lua or anything but post the whole code maybe, and which is line 60? Maybe that will help to fix this error.
--- End quote ---
yes please tell me witch line in this snipp
You need to run derma and vgui clientside
Line 60 is : local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
And I have it under cl_spawnmenu.lua
I still dont think its running clientside
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