Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics

Forum Sig/Avatar/Spray/UserBar || Photo Enhancement || Board

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You got lucky, I am about to sleep but I will get this first.

Mr. Franklin:

--- Quote from: Krasher on August 07, 2010, 05:15:53 PM ---You got lucky, I am about to sleep but I will get this first.

--- End quote ---
do mine plox,  >:(


Pack (Includes .vtf, .png, .psd, and .tga files, also a readme.):

PS: Feel free to ask me to retry, I fully understand what a horrid job I did. I was kinda tired lol.

PSS: Yes that is a crow at the bottom right, Krasher Symbol I just took out my name.

Thx krasher
Now have some  :cake:

I also do photo enhancement.


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