Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
unban request cnkid20
we apologize for the inconvience, so we're going to give you admin as a "we're sorry" just supply me with your steam ID and i'll promote u
If Peetah banned you then you did something VERY naughty
Sploded Peetah's plane...After he told you to stop.
You deliberately shot at a admins things after him telling you to stop.
And from what Peetah said, you also broke some other stuff.
I think that's about 4+ rules broken.:
Treat players with respect BROKE EET
Listen to admins when they tell you to do something Broke it most definetly
Don't bother other players Same
Do not destroy other people's stuff (May just be from Yomo's servar) You broke Peetah's plane D:
Let's see what the others say about your unban.
What you did was horribly wrong but as Gamefreak said...Doesn't deserve a perma. (Maybe a month?...)
It seems like a ban is just, but he doesn't look like a one time minge that just comes on the server to minge then goes to the next.
I say shorten the ban.
--- Quote from: Peetah on July 26, 2011, 03:37:29 PM ---Ahhh, that man was was flying around with the largest cannon possible.
He was shooting at other peoples stuff, as I warned him, then he starting moving towards my Plane.
Then I perma.
--- End quote ---
RIP Peetahs plane :(
Anyways; Y U DO DIS?
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