Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Ban Appeal Mr.Krabs

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Sabb not trying to be mean to your post but i am wondering why you posted it. Unless you are looking for a career as captain obvious i obviously dont like the posts because there against me. im not going to sit there and be like give me the worst reviews ever i sure would hate to get unbanned.

Since it appears everyone thinks i should wait it out i guess i will just wait it out. But this is really to bad about all the stuff im hearing, i was really thinking about trying to be a part of this community and whatnot. But it seems that is out of my grasp at this point everyone seems to hate me beyond return therefore i am sorry and i will wait out my ban in peace.


--- Quote from: Mr.Krabs on July 23, 2011, 12:54:43 PM ---Sabb not trying to be mean to your post but i am wondering why you posted it. Unless you are looking for a career as captain obvious i obviously dont like the posts because there against me. im not going to sit there and be like give me the worst reviews ever i sure would hate to get unbanned.

Since it appears everyone thinks i should wait it out i guess i will just wait it out. But this is really to bad about all the stuff im hearing, i was really thinking about trying to be a part of this community and whatnot. But it seems that is out of my grasp at this point everyone seems to hate me beyond return therefore i am sorry and i will wait out my ban in peace.

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Because I was saying that people are being fair with their posts but you're simply disregarding a lot of it and saying that "this thread is getting out of hand". Well, that's what you can expect when you act the way you do in server. I also like how you try and turn your ban around to it being poor old you everyone hating you and what not trying to get people to feel bad for you. Also, no one is saying we hate you, we're saying that you're a MASSIVE minge and we've all had a lot of problems with you... If you actually want to join the community (assuming you meant he forums) then you still can, but you're not going to get respect when you maintain the attitude and actions you currently portray. A great example of this all is ledjohnny. He's a good member of the community and most people like him, but he was a huge huge minge back when TTT first started out. Now he's pretty active on both the forums, Gmod servers, and TS3 server.


--- Quote from: Mr.Krabs on July 23, 2011, 12:56:25 AM ---Okay this post has gotten kind of out of hand. i was not asking how much everyone disliked me. I assume you can agree with jim because you dislike me but that is between you and me. What i want to talk about is this ban in particular. d him 0.o)

Read over the posts in general and reaslized that it almost seems like im getting banned for being disliked. just becasue the people on at the time say they dislike me is not a good reason to ban me. And in all seriousness a month for rdming thats a bit harsh anyway but it is your decision being the admin so i will leave everything up to you.

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No need to get emotional.

You've been an ass in the past, here's you'r punishment. Kthx


--- Quote from: Sabb on July 23, 2011, 01:08:02 PM ---Because I was saying that people are being fair with their posts but you're simply disregarding a lot of it and saying that "this thread is getting out of hand". Well, that's what you can expect when you act the way you do in server. I also like how you try and turn your ban around to it being poor old you everyone hating you and what not trying to get people to feel bad for you. Also, no one is saying we hate you, we're saying that you're a MASSIVE minge and we've all had a lot of problems with you... If you actually want to join the community (assuming you meant he forums) then you still can, but you're not going to get respect when you maintain the attitude and actions you currently portray. A great example of this all is ledjohnny. He's a good member of the community and most people like him, but he was a huge huge minge back when TTT first started out. Now he's pretty active on both the forums, Gmod servers, and TS3 server.

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I said id wait out my ban in peace i really dont know why your agrueing anymore. Second off i just said there is no point in me trying to join community (playing on servers more adding posts to fourm things such as that) Because it seems everyone already dislikes me (im not saying they dont have a reason to dislike me that was not my point) but what i am saying is i might as well just find a server with fourms and whatnot and join them elsewhered.

I personally don't even rember who you are but apparently you have some bad memories from me.

Sorry for whatever i did to anger you.


--- Quote from: Cream Fortress 2 on July 23, 2011, 01:13:55 PM ---No need to get emotional.

You've been an ass in the past, here's you'r punishment. Kthx

--- End quote ---

I didn't know i was emotional i really dont see how you got that from what i was posting. But you are free to interpret it however you want.

And if you had read the most recent post instead of quoting something on the first page you wouldent have needed to post since i said that i will just wait it out anyway. Please read the whole thread before commenting or atleast the last few pages.


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