Entertainment (Read Only) > Anime & Manga
How Naruto: Shippuden will end?
Cake Faice:
Please don't post here ever again if you want to talk about Naruto.
Huoh... Not then.
Explain why not? What's so bad about it. It seems to be more than 'It's not anime hurr durr.'
gaara, i'm just liek you, you have some kind of armadillo inside you and i have a foxy inside me
fish girl i'm just liek you, you have scales and i have a foxy inside me
sasuke i'm just liek you, you get butthurt and i have a foxy inside me
africa i'm just liek you, you have teh aids and i have a foxy inside me
Captain Communism:
America wonders wtf is goin' on.
Then they proceed to nuke Japan again for good measure.
sasuke = emo self cutter
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