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Wirebuild Tools and Addons Suggestions.

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I am aware that there is a very small population of forum users that actually play on build.
Me and Tech have been discussing about tools and stuff for some time.
I think this thread will be very useful.

For now.

Tools to Remove.
Explosive Entities: Now that we have ACF, explosive entities is useless.
It causes extreme fps lag and like to glitch alot. It is also very commonly Abused in huge proportions.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
These are the tools I think is useless in my opinion, but you guys discuss.

Smart Constraint: I understand many people are dependent on this tool, but it causes much more problems then it solves.
Smart constrain creates weak constraints and in great numbers. A contraption that consist of 150 constraints normally can be 1000+ constants when using Smart constraint.
More constraints = More lag.

Waterizer: It is not a bad tool but it has many flaws. Admins are unable to remove waterized props because they lose there entity.
It has not been abused alot, but when it is, its a big pain.

Tools to Add.
Total Mass: This is a very useful tool to see the total mass of an contraption. Very ideal when building Tanks, Planes, Mechs to compare the weight and make it fair.
SVN Link

Post your opinions.

Explosive Entities is usefull for firework!


--- Quote from: Yomofox on July 22, 2011, 09:54:51 AM ---Explosive Entities is usefull for firework!

--- End quote ---

AKA: Yomo sploding the shit out of everything.

I actually think Smart Constraint should stay, some people use it for simple contraptions that aren't very big too.

how to make fireworks:

1. explosive barrel
2. soda cans with trails
3. weld cans to barrel
4. send into sky and explode
5. ???
6. profit

Well there go my explosive entity mines...... How about we disable picking up objects, it's more usefull than any tool.


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