Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Mr.Freeman's Unban Appeal

(1/10) > >>

1.Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:37453173
2.Player Nickname - Mr.Freeman
3.Your in-game name - Mr.Freeman
4.Server name (Trouble In Terrorist Town)
I got permabanned from RND in the night when i wasnt playing...
Reason: "Multi-Hack" :idk:
I want a video of me using speedhack, aimbot.
Please can you show me that ???  :no:

Ban was done with good proof and reasoning..

Sorry to hear

I honestly have to say, Freeman's a good player, decent thinking and good at the game...
It can get annoying at points because he's really good, but I have watched him very closely many times under many different aliases, and could not find the slightest suggestion that he was using any hack...
I really do think this was a mistake.

Was the ban due to a report or what?

Nice walls.
Enjoy being banned.

So I'm the real TTT pro, FUCK YEA--

Oh wai-

He's ban-

someone link me to the video of him hacking.
this is pure hilarity.


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