Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
The_kings ban appeal
Ok I was playing ttt for a few and wanted to change my name because i didnt like the first one..So I asked Qzep how I can and he said to press shift and tab and go to setting to change my name, so I did and all of a sudden I got banned I didnt know that I would and i didnt know..Can you guys pleas uplift this ban?
Kings it's only 10 minutes lol, no one is probably going to look at this for 10 minutes.
King, the reason it does this is so that it prevents peole from changing their name mid-round and making it confuse people.
The 10 min is just so that it's positive the round is over and you can rejoin.
that or it's a warning.
--- Quote from: Axule on July 19, 2011, 01:00:39 AM ---King, the reason it does this is so that it prevents peole from changing their name mid-round and making it confuse people.
The 10 min is just so that it's positive the round is over and you can rejoin.
that or it's a warning.
--- End quote ---
you got it all wrong
it's to prevent people from displaying the traitor when spectating or dead
it used to happen a lot
Comeon man its just 10 mins....
Dont worryz.
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