Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

07/15/2011 Application: Axule

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Personal Information
Name: Nathaniel Finley
Age 15
Birthdate: December 05, 1995
Location: Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Interests: Right now, I'm really interested in Psychology. I plan on being a Psychologist because I've always felt a sense of pride whenever I helped a friend out. I just like knowing I made someone's life easier by letting them understand things they might be missing and such. I'm also interested Astronomy (I love how beautiful the sky is and I'm always excited about things related to space), Engineering (I've always loved building things as a child. Lego's were my best friends at one point), and Soccer (I've played soccer for probably half my life and I've even started refereeing it).
Jobs: As stated above, I'm a referee for soccer. I've refereed for about 4-5 years, and I've been lucky enough to referee in in State Championships in Oklahoma, and a few tournaments in Hawaii.

Basic Information
Time Zone: GMT -9
In RND since: I started playing around February and March and joined the forums on April.
Times online: Depends. If it's summer, I'll probably be on for most of the day and night. If it's during school, I'll be on from 5:00PM to 9:00Pm (depending on whether I procrastinate or not).

Steam Information
Steam Name: Axule
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35907515
Link to Steam Profile:

The Appeal

* Trouble in Terrorist Town.Why I would like to be VIP: Being VIP is not something you can get as easily as getting Regular, and because of that, it makes you look more like an authority figure. Would you run a red light if there were a cop car right next to you? The main reason I'd like to be VIP is so that players can enjoy playing on the servers instead of being trolled, rdm'd, and overall annoyed.

Why I should be VIP: I've always been a level headed dude when it came to playing. I've never lost it when I would get rdm'd or things of the like. I've always asked why the player did what they did, and if they come out with nothing, I would simply warn them not to do it again and to be careful. If an incident were to happen between to players, I would get both sides of the story as well as other players who are willing to help give information. The most important though is my responsibility. Though probably none of you have seen most of it (especially Deacon), being the oldest brother of 4 kids and my Dad deployed, I've had to help my mom out with keeping my brothers in line and such. I hope that you guys will be able to see that someday.

Why I shouldn't be VIP: I've messed up before in the past. After awhile when I first started playing on RND, I began ghosting, but I realised that it was defeating the whole purpose of the game and quickly quit after that. Also, probably the biggest reason, is because of something that had happened on Deacon's Minecraft Server. Long story short, I found an exploit and abused it. At the time I was just excited by the idea, but later I found out that what I had done was a bigger deal than I thought. I've regreted it ever since. I know it will be a very long while if I'm lucky enough to ever have Deacon's trust again, as well as most of the people from his server. I've changed since then, and with becoming a Regular, I've felt a sense of responsibility to the server I haven't quite experienced before.

Situations: My screen keeps poping up, so right now I'm not fully able to write out the situations, but if you still want me to do it, I will gladly add it in somehow.

Contributions to RND: I haven't done much for RND since I've joined because of the lack of skill and knowledge I have, but I plan on helping somehow in the near future to repay the server for what they've done for me.

Things done in game: Since most of my time is on TTT, I haven't really done anything that the next person had done. Kept a cool head I guess : )

Contact InformationFrom most visited to least:/color]

* Steam-
* Forums PM-
* Yahoo-
Thank You!
-Thank You to Deacon for helping me outlining my application : )
-Thank You Don for giving me advice on what to do for my application ; )
And ofcourse, Thank You for taking your time to read through this.

Thanks for the help Peetah!


Oh man I can make a living off these applications...
Anyways, I have real strong feelings with this one.
Some of you guys may not approve of him, but Ill say what I think.

I played with this guy on TTT some time.
Hes a real real nice guy real nice.
TTT does need some Vips for sure, much problems I have seen there.
He is honest man, and will not abuse his power.
+1 from me and good luck Axule.


Pointing at what he brought up himself. He has shown to me that he will exploit when he can. He found a glitch on my MC server, stole things. He then came back with a false name, which i (stupidly) fell for. Now I'm not holding a grudge here; He has long since apologized on both occasions. However, those incidents tell me a little about him.

I know his thoughts are in the right place. But I don't think hes able to handle the responsibility of it.

I don't have anything against him, but I just don't think he should be VIP.


Woah now, you're getting a little ahead of yourself.
You only got Reg yesterday.

I know I have had problems with him in the past, sometimes it could be quite obnoxious.
Mainly, I remember occurrences when he had his name as Prism.
This was a fairly long time ago though, and recently he has been decent, and he doesn't seem like a bad guy, but I'm not convinced he is ready.

You're by far one of the most mature people I've seen join RND recently.

I really do think you would be a great VIP,

now with that said, I think it would be better if people got to know you a bit more. You're still fairly new to the community, and have yet to make a large enough of an impression.

I would gladly +1 this in the future, but I think it's a bit too soon.

+/- 0


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