Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

07/14/11 Application: Tom




Age: 14 8/30/96

Time Online: Usually all day (10AM to 3AM) When I start school in August this will change

Location: Mooresville, Indiana

Servers: I play mainly on TTT, Wirebuild, and Zombie Survival . Rarely do I ever go to Winter Survival or Flood

Time Zone: Eastern Time

Why should I be VIP?
I've been with RND about a year now (since last April) and I felt like I should make a VIP app. I'm a very friendly player who likes to help others. Generally level headed guy who stays really calm (I can get pissed easily if someone really tries to give me and other people a bad time, but this would NOT cause me to abuse) If I'm online and someone needs help I will join the game and help them if someone is minging and needs to be votekicked/votebanned 

Half Life 2, Garrysmod, , Half Life 2 Lost Coast, Zombie Panic Source, etc.

Why do I want VIP?
I want to be able to kick a troublemaker on a server if the need arises, Hacker, Spammer, Minge, etc. I also want to be able to help other players out if they need it.

What I would do if I encounter someone doing something wrong
1st time - Warn them to stop
2nd time -Second warning
3rd time - I would start a votekick
4th time - If they come back and keep doing it I will start a voteban and a report on the forums

What if someone is hacking?
I would spectate them and see if other players also believe they're hacking, If enough of the server believes he is hacking I will start a voteban and report on the forums. (or call an Admin)

Contributions:This is the only part I lack in. I am not very good at coding. But i try to make sure that people have a good time. 

Email =

My friends:Teeny, Snivy, Cogs, Captain Communsim .

What's with all these people applying who I have never heard of?


--- Quote from: Sabb on July 14, 2011, 09:27:04 PM ---What's with all these people applying who I have never heard of?

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Sabb on July 14, 2011, 09:27:04 PM ---What's with all these people applying who I have never heard of?

--- End quote ---

play on every server more often to know everyone



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