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7/10/11 Application: Photosynthesis

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--- Quote ---Photosynthesis's VIP Application



In RND since:
3 years ago

Times online:
Almost most of the time..

Time Zone:
(10:00) Pacific Time Zone

Servers I play on:
Zombie Survival, TTT, Flood, Fretta, TF2, wirebuild, and also Origama

Steam name: Ladydarkside

Why I should be VIP:
0. I make origama
1. I was never reported as an Abuser or as a minge.
2. I'm online everyday, meaning I could help a lot in keeping the servers minge-free. Also, I'm active on TTT.
3. Most people that have met me in-game (new-players excluded), and in general I can say I'm a nice person.
4. I am very patient with minges, I don't kick for first-offences. I give two to three warnings before starting a votekick, except in a few cases (such as RDMing his traitor buddy or the detective in TTT unprovoked).

Why I want to be VIP:
I want to be VIP because I am certain that my fellow people expect me on my way to induction into the VIP rank, I will address people with a candor and a decision to present situation of our community members. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, frankly and boldly. Nor we need to shrink from vicious factors facing conditions in our servers today. This great time will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to slap a warning is the minges itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert complainers into advance. In every dark hour of our servers life, a leadership of rANdOm and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory and enjoy fullness. I am convinced that you will again give that support to people who takes the stand of the open slots and help in these critical days.

Someone is prop pushing on TTT
1. First warning.
2. Keep doing: Second Warning
3. Still keeps doing: Start a votekick for prop pushing.
4. Joins back, keeps prop pushing: Give a last warning.
5. If the subject is still acting wrong: Start a voteban for continous prop pushing after several warnings.
6. If person comes back, still prop pushes: Start another voteban, if nothing, tell an admin/report.

RDMing as detective, innocent, or traitor
2.2nd warning

RDMing the detective as an innocent
1. Ask the person why they RDMed the Detective
2. if it was because the Detec was randomly shooting people: Leave it be, check how many people the detective killed
3. if it was for no reason: Start a votekick on the person.
Refer to the list above to see further consequences.

Someone is using an aimbot
1. I would keep an eye on them (suiciding early on to spectate them). Get SteamID.
2. if it's just skill: I'd tell the people that just because someone is good, doesn't mean they use aimbots.
3. if it's getting weird (turning around the corner instantly shooting three people in the head): Keep watching. If anything similar happens again, start a votekick on them for using Aimbots.
4. if person keeps using aimbots: Repeat procedure above, if confirmed use of it, start a voteban.
5. person still uses hax after all: report on the forums.

Games I have (on Steam):
Age of Chvalry
Amnesua The Dark Descent
Counter-Strike Source
D.I.P.R.I.P Warm Up
DOOM II Hell on Earth
Garry's Mod
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Half-Life 2 Episode 1
Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Half-Life 2 Lost Coast
Half-Life Blue Shift
Half-Life Opposing Force
Portal 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Master Levels for DOOM II
Natural Selection
Pirates, Vikings, & Knights
Starcraft II
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 Beta
Team Fortress Classic
Unreal Gold
Unreal II The Awakening
Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 3 Black Edition
Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition
Zombie Panic: Source
Zombie Master 1.2.1

Methods to contact me:
Skype Photosynthesis
Steam ladydarkside
RND forums :3
Facebook (which you would never find)

A few friends active in RND: LazerBlade, Arcoyle, DJ Crypto, Moo, Teeny, Devie, MrFranklin, and Deacon.

If you're not on the list it's because list would be tl;dr

Also don't ever let circumstances, events, or other people tell you can't do something. You deserve to experience a joy of gaming, freedom, and . Just don't give up. Enjoy :dukenukem:

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry Photo, you're cool and all, but I can't support this app.

I have to remind you way too often to not -1 every single vote made in-game for no reason. It constantly makes dealing with situations extremely difficult, and because of this I'm not convinced you would be able to manage VIP well.

So, sorry, but :thumbsdown:.

I don't think you're ready for it, along with the things sabb said.

Nothing against you personally Photo, but I don't think you're ready to be VIP.

I agree with Deacon and Sabb.  :thumbsdown:


--- Quote from: Don on July 10, 2011, 08:35:53 PM ---Nothing against you personally Photo, but I don't think you're ready to be VIP.

I agree with Deacon and Sabb.  :thumbsdown:

--- End quote ---


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