.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Projects
Yellow's City and Yellow's Island
Yellow Killer:
I've been thinking of creating a city called Yellow's City and an island called Yellow's Island with my maps. This is going to be a long project since it has to do with maps. I'll make these maps with for zombie survival, possibly any other gamemode.
Details about the city:Spoiler (click to show/hide)The city of Yellow is a large city in the Island of Yellow. It has 5 boroughs in Yellow's City(4 in separate islands, 1 in the Island of Yellow).
Yellow's City from zs_yc2trainterminal.
1. The island on the top right is the Residential North borough where most apartments and elevated subways are. There are 3 attractions there.(Blue squares in the map.)
2. The island in the middle right is the Residential South borough where there are apartments, parks and a trainterminal. There are 2 attractions there.
3. The island in the middle left is the Golden borough, where most skyscrapers are. Yellow's Tower is located in the Golden borough. There 4 attractions and 3 parks.
4. The island on the bottom is the Industrial borough. It has an airport which is called Yellow City International. It has 3 runways and 2 terminals. It has a shipyard with 6 docks. There are many industries in this island. There is only one attraction which is Scout's Mall.(If you have seen the advertisement in yc2trainterminal, you'll know what I mean.)
5. The last borough is in the southeast coast in Yellow's Island shown in the map. This where most houses and mansions are. Yellow's Mansion(My mansion in Yellow's City) is located in the southwest area. This borough has one airport with one runway and 1 terminal.
Yellow's City has a subway system that has:
10 lines
19 stations in the Residential North borough.
18 stations in the Residential South borough.
23 stations in the Golden borough.
13 stations in the Industrial borough.
7 stations in the Southeast Yellow Borough.
80 stations in total.
So far, zs_yc2transit(http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,14533.0.html) has been released, it is the first part of the subway system. Three stations have been named. (Yellow's Trainterminal Station(Residential South Borough)(A)(F) Trains, Golden River Station(Residential South Borough)(A) Train, and East Gold Avenue Station(Golden Borough)(A)(F)Trains as of 10/27/12)
More stations and streets will be named soon.
Yellow's City is in the Second generation right now. Here are the recently made maps for Yellow's City:
1a. zs_yc2trainterminal Thread: http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,13488.0.html
1b. zs_yc2trainterminalrnd
1c. gm_yc2trainterminal
2a. zs_yc2transit Thread: http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,14533.0.html
More details about Yellow's City will be coming soon!
Details about Yellow's Island:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
There is not much about Yellow's Island right now. There are small towns around Yellow's Island and only 2 cities(Yellow's City and an unnamed city, I'll think of a name soon.) There are 3 airports. In the southwest of the island, it is the military base of Yellow's Island using one runway and one train station. The black lines in the island is road transportation. Big lines are highways, medium lines are avenues, and small lines are roads. There are 5 noted attractions(excluding the one's in Yellow's City) in Yellow's Island. There are 10 train stations(Purple squares) and 1 trainyard in Yellow's Island. There are 2 shipyards in Yellow's Island. The dark green areas are forests, parks, mountains, etc.
There will be more information about Yellow's Island and Yellow's City soon. Comment on what you think about Yellow's Island and Yellow's City.
You should make that White color Transparent. Get Photoshop
» Magic «:
looks like a neat idea. tell us how it plays out
Yellow Killer:
--- Quote from: Cable on June 30, 2011, 12:41:26 PM ---looks like a neat idea. tell us how it plays out
--- End quote ---
You're in my city, and you're in one of the gamemodes, and whatever area you're in, it will show what number area you're in, and, or what is the name of the area, and it will tell you what district you're in, also whatever borough. You can also see that when I build two maps next to each other, they will have the same layout, no changes (except for updates). I will make a map(drawn) of the city in a couple of days or so. Also, to straight out the areas, districts, boroughs, I came it up with like this:
Area: The Part of a District, and Small.
District: The Parts of a Borough, Medium sized.
Borough: Large Size, takes over one part of the island.
This will show you how the areas will be organized in my map.
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