Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hello. Most of you may remember me from the ZS server

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Bullet Freeman:

--- Quote from: Shawn on July 03, 2011, 10:39:18 AM ---Guess i'm going to -1 this guys app...

But srsly before your app is even approved you say "deal with it"

Cocky much?

--- End quote ---

he meant on the forums LOOK AT THE DATE!

you didn't had to bump this...

and it was his first post on the forums, there was no way he could had be regular member.

Maybe he tried to joke around and everyone went asdf


--- Quote from: BulletNRG on January 07, 2012, 10:05:52 AM ---he meant on the forums LOOK AT THE DATE!

--- End quote ---
I'm just going to ignore the fact that you replied to a post that's half a year old ...
And no, he didn't mean the forums.


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