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Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2 "The Sacrifice" DLC.

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--- Quote from: » Magic « on October 05, 2010, 01:14:18 PM ---downloading at 5kb/s then got suspended :l

"Steam client" is the update, Mostly for mac so I'm not applying yet

--- End quote ---
Hit resume all you dumb ass.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Кrаsher on October 05, 2010, 01:21:22 PM ---Hit resume all you dumb ass.

--- End quote ---


It starts at 5kb/s then goes to 20kb/s and stops >O

It only sais resume all because "Steam Client" is paused

Mine is downloading, but ...
I started with 15 minutes remaining about an hour ago.

Valve, I am majorly disappointed.
It's a piece of shit.
The bots' intelligence has obviously been reduced to a minus level; they help you even less when you're incapped, they can't manage to follow your path and take 100 hours long sidewalks, they STILL can't avoid witches 20 miles away from them and they seem to struggle in focusing on a huge-ass tank.
The Panic events were uninspired and boring (HURR DURR OPEN THIS DOOR FOR SUPER WEAK TANK AND HORDE DURR), the setting was WAY too bright and happy and the overall atmosphere didn't fit the situation.
They are FUCKED. One of them is about to die, one is deadly injured and they're in the middle of nowhere with no hope left. HOW CAN EVERYTHING STILL BE SO GODDAMN HAPPY?
Then, the Smokers are a pain in the ass since it's impossible to see them with all the buildings while Hunters and Boomers are basically useless. Same goes for Tanks. The only really good moment was at the top of the Dirt pile and the panic event; but even that could've been so much better with just a little bit more effort put into it. IT'S NOT WORTH THE HYPE.
The first two levels were so forgettable, I think I forgot most of it already. It was just another rushed campaign. Fucking man, they can't even be compared with Community maps like I Hate Mountains since they're so much better.
Then, the worst part of it all - the finale.
Not only are the bots mentally retarded and can't manage to track your movement (hurr durr, let's stay at generator one while player is incapped at generator 2), but they also don't know what "get to the bridge" and "leave the survivor to sacrifie" means. At first, they simply refused to climb up the bridge and then they managed to follow me down when I went down to activate the generator. And after all this, the bridge won't even START lowering until you killed all three tanks and all three hordes.
Then, when you go down, all that happens is a "Don't follow me.". The other survivors don't even give a shit about you killing yourself to save their lives. They just let you go, basically telling you to fuck off and enjoy these four tanks you'll have to face. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. Especially in this moment, there was so much potential for dramatic moments - even a simple "<Name>! NO!" would've saved a lot in this moment, but no. The others simply don't care.
Then, the last "cutscene" of the finale was so uninspired and bad, it was terrible. You just incap in a strangely fast way and then suddenly thousands of infected are near you while the bridge apparently warps its way up to the top and disappears.
You'd think they would notice Francis just saved them all and died now, wouldn't you?
No. Wrong. They don't notice. They aren't sad. They just can't be bothered.

RATING: 5/10. Go play I Hate Mountains instead, this is almost as bad as Crash Course. No story, no atmosphere, no dramatic stuff - the only good parts were the witch trap moments and the dirt pile standoff. If you're an Xboxfag, don't pay for this.


Oh, and to not rant for once, I can really only suggest I Hate Mountains to everybody. It's a brilliant map with a brilliant concept and some brilliant jokes. Yes, I like the word "brilliant".

Feel free to delete my previous post. If I would've edited, no one would have read this anyway.

Cake Faice:
Lol @ xbox 360 losers.

Fucking Microsoft always wants to charge for the littlest things.


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