Creative Arts (Read Only) > Illustrations

First painting I have ever done.

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Wow, peet, that looks amazing.

If only I could draw...



--- Quote from: Rocket50 on June 27, 2011, 08:12:40 PM ---Wow, peet, that looks amazing.

If only I could draw...


--- End quote ---

You can probably draw better then me. I can't even draw stik figuarz D:

I can draw everything pretty good, but I can't draw people or animals.

This Toast:
Dude send this to: G-A-B-E-N@valvesoftware(dot)com.

>First Painting

>inb4 Peetah = Leonardo da Vinci

This is amazing... and you painted this for the first time .________.

Your teacher must be a fucking awesome teacher... or maybe you're just fucking awesome.
That's like Good enough to sell kind of art  :o


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