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fatal1te's GPU Overclocking Guide to Increase FPS

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As this is a semi-gaming forum, I thought fps count would count for a lot *lol* so I decided to come up with this guide.

Overclocking does have a chance at degrading hardware
Do not hold me responsible for whatever may happen, I'm begging you
I have overclocked my GPU for a few months now without any problems, so it's not impossible
Read the steps below thoroughly

1. Basic Knowledge
GPU is like the cpu but responsible for video processing, like games. It is inside the Video Card, but since you aren't overclocking the video card itself, I like to use the correct terminology.
Overclocking is legal, but might void the warranty
Some computers are not overclockable, do not rage or troll

2. Nitty-Gritty
To overclock, you need 2 pieces of software
       1. MSI Afterburner (Google it, it's free)
       2. Furmark
       (link on page, can't directly link to it, also free)

3. Explanation
MSI Afterburner is the thing that's going to pump voltage and speed up your card. Follow these steps to ensure good (I hope) results.
1. Unzip the file downloaded
2. Install afterburner and ignore the other file
3. Run Afterburner. If there's an error, then sorry, you can't overclock.
4. Click settings
5. Click the general tab
6. Click OK and restart application
(Note: Do not play frantically with the awesome sliders.
7. install Furmark
8. run furmark full blast (max everything with dynamic camera and post FX)
on the bottom, you will see a graph with temperature. It will shoot up like crazy
     9. In afterburner, increase the "Core Clock" slider up 10-20
     10. Run afterburner again
     11. Rinse and repeat objects in above bracket until something bad/funky happens (random lines/bsod/other stuff) (Don't worry :trollface:)
     12. Then increase the Core Voltage by a bit (like 10-20 again) If you can't then revert back to the last working setting. That's your max, now play some games, if you can increase, keep on reading
13. Repeat steps in above bracket (the bigger one) while keeping an eye on temperature. Don't let it get too high. Preferably sub 90 after 1 min (no, really, keep it low unless you want something bad to happen or follow steps below)
       Secret Haxx0r thing: Controlling Fans
              Option 1:
              1. In setting, go to the Fan tab and check Enable user defined software automatic fan control
              2. Make the graph that increases the fan speed automatically
              Option 2:
              1. Untick Auto beside Fan Speed
              2. Drag the slider around to a good speed
              3. Remember to keep an eye on temperatures so that the card doesn't burn out (It happens)
14. If you're finished (temps not too high/No random stuff popping up in Furmark) then play some games, see if it really works

Remember to select "Apply overclocking at system startup" to have it work every time you start up, but don't tick it when testing overclocks, you may not start up ever again!!!!! (no JK)
tick "Start with Windows" and "Start minimized" if you chose Option 1 to have it work every time you start up
Do not kill me for whatever bad things that happen to your cards, bad things do happen.
I will try to get around to answering any questions that might arise.
I might not have many posts here, but I am active in another computer software/hardware related forum. This thing is legit.
First guide, hope it's good.


--- Quote from: Me Likes Dis! :D on June 26, 2011, 03:07:55 AM ---Nice guide,might look into it cuz i get like 15 fps

--- End quote ---

If you're using an intel GPU, it'd be impossible to overclock.

Well, you can, but it won't give you a performance increase.

I use afterburner, I bring up my GTX 460 up to about 1000mhz from the 700 factory clock, hottest its ever been is 66c

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Supertoaster H on June 26, 2011, 04:16:56 AM ---I use afterburner, I bring up my GTX 460 up to about 1000mhz from the 700 factory clock, hottest its ever been is 66c

--- End quote ---

GTS 450 from 738 to 950

and memory from 1600 to 2200

riva tuner is the program i use to over clock my gpu ^^


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