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so i have $100

(1/7) > >>

and i'm thinking of getting this


i'm ASSUMING this is better than my stock ATI 5670

Get an extra $17 and get this:

Its a 6770, and will give you in some cases double the performance of the 6670

In a lot of cases the difference between the 6670 and the 6770, is 20 FPS to 32 FPS, so it can make the difference between choppy and smooth playback.

» Magic «:
If you can spare an extra 20 dollars then get this

You will not regret

shit tonnes more powerful than the 5670

I'd recommend the 6770 or the GTX 550 too but if it's too steep on price for you get the 5770 (which is basically the same card) but it's older. Louder, Hotter, requires more powerful power supply.

If you can crossfire get another 5670 and crossfire it with your current 5670. It did better then the $150 GTX 450 I just got.

If you can't crossfire it then save $10 and get the 5770.

EDIT: I added up tax & shipping for you for the 5770 which brings it to the grand total of $124.05

ALSO, If you're going to crossfire the 5670 you need to make sure your current 5670 is crossfire ready (don't know how) and the one you buy has to be one.


--- Quote from: » Magic « on June 22, 2011, 02:22:11 AM ---If you can spare an extra 20 dollars then get this

You will not regret

shit tonnes more powerful than the 5670

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Xrain on June 22, 2011, 01:53:51 AM ---Get an extra $17 and get this:

Its a 6770, and will give you in some cases double the performance of the 6670

In a lot of cases the difference between the 6670 and the 6770, is 20 FPS to 32 FPS, so it can make the difference between choppy and smooth playback.

--- End quote ---

Stuck between these two...

Now that xrain has spoken, I can't buy magic's card without his solemn approval


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