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Building friend compooter, nid opinion

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Cake Faice:
It's a budget build gaming computer. At the end of the month when he gets home from vacation, me and him are going to go to our electronics store and get him these parts:

CPU: Phenom II x4 @ 3.0 (Should I change to a cheaper 3-core cpu and pray that the 4th core is functional?)
MOBO: Asus M4A88T-M AM3
RAM: DDR3 6GB 1333MHz
HDD: Western-Digital 1TB SATA
GPU: Nvidia GTX 460
OS: Windows 7 Home edition
CASE: Antect 900 Mid-Tower ATX
PSU: 500W or 650W, depending on which one is cheaper.

All the parts should be around $650. Along with additional costs like getting him The Orange Box and CS:S + Garry's Mod bundle. Anything I should change so it's moderately more powerful/within $700?

That's pretty fucking good.

Everything looks Reeeal good.
But heck, the antec 900 is pretty dam old.
I guess its your personal preference, but you can get nicer cases for same price.
Just look around at your options.

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Peetah on June 21, 2011, 11:20:38 AM ---Everything looks Reeeal good.
But heck, the antec 900 is pretty dam old.
I guess its your personal preference, but you can get nicer cases for same price.
Just look around at your options.

--- End quote ---

Actually, we just need a nice case for around $80 that has great airflow that keeps the parts cooler. Got any recommendations?

forgot psu


how i run computer with no ELECTRIC


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