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Captain Communism:
I almost got arrested because I threatened someone.

I have NEVER learned to ride a bike. :/

I'm an outcast.


--- Quote from: Sanity Not Included on June 24, 2011, 11:09:07 AM ---I almost got arrested because I threatened someone.

I have NEVER learned to ride a bike. :/

I'm an outcast.

--- End quote ---

its okay, I don't know how to swim

and I dont know how to ride a bike.

I do but it can be fatal


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on June 24, 2011, 11:22:54 AM ---its okay, I don't know how to swim

and I dont know how to ride a bike.

I do but it can be fatal

--- End quote ---
I'm amazed the last line wasn't something along the lines of "I can sure fuck though" or something equally sex related.

-I care way too much about my haircut.
-I can drive a car.
-I sleep a lot.
-When I get bored I do pointless things.


--- Quote from: Prox on June 24, 2011, 12:02:13 PM ----When I get bored I do pointless things.

--- End quote ---
Same as me  :pokeball:


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