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hl2: Episode 3

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Half life2 episode 3 is coming out!!!!
I found the trailer!!

Half-Life 2:Episode 3


--- Quote from: SKRUZO on November 29, 2010, 07:58:38 PM ---Half life2 episode 3 is coming out!!!!
I found the trailer!!

--- End quote ---
It's called the trailer of Half Life 2 for Mac ...
Ololololol I just realised it's that trailer. Never said anything.

Along with the Hl2 Ep 3, Portal 2 has been delayed from February ~12 to April 20th.

Valve Time FTW

I know it's hl2, I just thought it was funny...


--- Quote from: rocket50 on November 30, 2010, 03:33:00 PM ---Along with the Hl2 Ep 3, Portal 2 has been delayed from February ~12 to April 20th.

Valve Time FTW

--- End quote ---

If you're serious, I hate you.


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