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Apparently, ZS is going to get "Scripted the fuck out of it"

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Never tell your password to anyone.
Call from Suipa started.
Call with Suipa ended.
Suipa has ended the call.
Suipa: :P
Tits and Eggs: who
Tits and Eggs: what
Tits and Eggs: when
Tits and Eggs: where
Tits and Eggs: why
Suipa: its me
Suipa: batman
Suipa: whaazzz up
Tits and Eggs: bamaaaan
Suipa: batman
Tits and Eggs: oh derp
Suipa: herp?
Tits and Eggs: public profile
Tits and Eggs: I was like
Tits and Eggs: "I NEVER ADDED YOU"
Tits and Eggs: lololol
Suipa: :P!
Tits and Eggs: I forgot anyone can start chats with me.
Suipa: yes
Suipa: so your a mod for random
Tits and Eggs: So, what bring you to this very delightful chat?
Suipa: well i just wanted to say im going on my alt
Suipa: and im going to get my friends to script the fuck out of randoms zombie server
Tits and Eggs: noice
Suipa: i destroyed GDA server already
Tits and Eggs: Very noice
Suipa: ok
Suipa: bia
Tits and Eggs: bai
Suipa: see you tomorrow
Tits and Eggs: k
Tits and Eggs: c:
Suipa: :)

Suipa: :)
Tits and Eggs: Wait
Tits and Eggs: > group of scripters
Suipa: :-}
Tits and Eggs: > group only has 1 member
Tits and Eggs: lolwut
Suipa: are u sure?
Suipa: where you here today?
Suipa: when i made people say stuff
Suipa: i can make admins ban people by making them say commands
Tits and Eggs: No clue.
Tits and Eggs: Sounds fun though.
Suipa: lol
Suipa: you know leaf eater?
Suipa: he plays all the time on zombiemod
Tits and Eggs: Dat gai
Tits and Eggs: kind of
Tits and Eggs: Name is familiar
Suipa: he was part of GDA
Tits and Eggs: don't really remember who he is though.
Tits and Eggs: I don't even know who GDA anyways. Lul
Suipa: a server
Suipa: it was popular
Suipa: but dos not matter
Suipa: i got to go minge some moar
Tits and Eggs: But waaaaaaaaaaaait
Suipa: ..
Tits and Eggs: only question
Suipa: :P
Tits and Eggs: wai
Tits and Eggs: for teh lulz?
Suipa: :P
Tits and Eggs: Like
Tits and Eggs: I have nothing against trolling,
Tits and Eggs: just like
Tits and Eggs: ZS too shitty of a gamemode?
Suipa: no
Suipa: i play another zombiemod
Suipa: and i have 4 alts
Suipa: you banned 1 so i have nothing to worry about
Suipa: plus
Suipa: today was just the first level
Tits and Eggs: I banned one?
Tits and Eggs: lolwut
Suipa: fourm
Tits and Eggs: Don't remember
Suipa: nvm then

He's planning to attack ZS, not RND in particular.
He's in the nox group, and about 30 of his friends are in Nox too. Possible correlation.

Has a forum account, since he knows I was the one who banned him. I'll be watching user activity to try and pinpoint it. Possibly get IP and ban all of the accounts.

Scratch that, he plans to use a shitty proxy to login. LOL.

Just get console logs, CTRL+F his ip, maximum profit. Lululululu

Cake Faice:
Here we go again with the whole jetboom and rcon scenario...but worse

What he told me from that conversation -

> Nothing personal towards RND
> Is a member of another ZS
> Is attacking other ZS servers specifically
> has a forum account
> Already has a ban on one of his accounts.

That should be more than enough to get an IP ;D


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