Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Tezuni's RDM unban appeal

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1. Player's SteamID - STEAM_0:0:25439381

2. Players Nickname - Tezuni

3. Your in-game name - Tezuni

4. Server name ttt

5. I pretended to shoot at a detective as a revenge RDM.

6. I got caught up in the moment because arctic complex is my favorite map and I was very annoyed at losing my karma to RDM.  I realize I should have put up with the RDM and reported it, but instead I took action for myself and did revenge RDM.  Jimonions, I guess this one's up to you.  I know being unbanned is unlikely, but maybe I could get a reduced ban?  Rnd really does have the only decent TTT server on Gmod =|

Thanks for reading all my appeals  :D

No offense Tezuni, but didn't he tell you NOT to make a unban appeal? Besides, I just want to say, even if you DID get caught up in the moment, it's pointless to get revenge. No buts.  :thumbsdown:


Yes, but I asked if I could make one more appeal in a PM to jimonions and he allowed it.
I know revenge RDM is against the rules and I don't expect the ban to be lifted  :'(
I made another appeal to clarify what happened and from that its up to whoever manages the bans probably jimonions since he issued it.

If you said that being unbanned is up to him, why didn't you just talk to jim? ._.

It kind of defeats the purpose of making an appeal.


I did talk to jim, and he allowed for another appeal.  An official ban needs an offical appeal post....


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