Bans (Read Only) > Approved
[Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Sabb on June 09, 2011, 10:41:47 AM ---Otherwise, I think knowing that Frank is offended by it and people continuing to use it in clearly offensive manors is irresponsible and simply juvenile... unless it's just a case where you really mean no harm by it or haven't thought it through or such a way or something.
Seriously though, think of it for a second. We all know what faggot is used for, so I'm not going to go through explaining that, but it's similar to racial slurs that are intended to be harmful. Not that most of you people don't use offensive racial slurs, Frank included, but just sit and think of how stupid it is for a second, and why it might piss Frank off...
Hopefully the rest of the thread will actually be relevant debates/arguments or w/e you want to call it now...
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Actually, frank told us at one point as long as we don't use it toward homosexual hate, he doesn't care...
The votes look like an unban. When are the results due?
--- Quote from: iS922i on June 09, 2011, 12:14:26 PM ---When are the results due?
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Xexxar is pregnant.
But I think the real decision is up to coolz.
--- Quote from: Lord Montague on June 09, 2011, 10:48:03 AM ---Listen Xexxar, this is the last thing i am going to say something important to you, Coolzeldad takes Hacking and DDOS'ing very very VERY seriously, and you explained in your posts that you did that when you were about to leave or take a "break". Now, you can't just ddos anything just for "fun", their must be a reason behind it and you arn't telling us, until then why are you wanting to be unbanned? Your actions speak louder than your words, and you wanting to be unbanned will cause more trouble with you and the community. So why fight for it Xexxar? their has been a lot of threads of you wanting to return, and you never were unbanned yet.
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I said I was going to do something, I never ddosed the the server. I wanted to because you guys said I wasn't really going to leave and that made me pissed.
How will it cause more trouble? Can you explain?
--- Quote from: Xexxar on June 09, 2011, 12:26:07 PM ---I said I was going to do something, I never ddosed the the server. I wanted to because you guys said I wasn't really going to leave and that made me pissed.
How will it cause more trouble? Can you explain?
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Xexxar, now more than ever, shut up. You're not helping your unban.
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