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Dark Byte:
Ok, I think this is the best map to replace Gm_Owata_Coast_Edit_03. Because the map has alot more of a variety, And more space to build!

Download to the map

Watch the youtube video in the pasted info below! You will love the map after watching the video!

The rest is copy + pasted from the download page.
Ok... the Tracks are fail. But its still a good Buildmap. :)

New fix out:
Fix the missing Militia Skybox and some Ep2 textures.


Forum Thread ENG:

Forum Thread GER:

Youtube Video:

Freespace_Revolution is the sequel to Freespace09.
It's much better than the old Freespace09 and it got much more features like an airfield with hangar.
The map is huge and perfect for bigger contraptions.

Map infos and features:
-Wide and open map
-Construct grass and water textures
-Militia sky
-Complete redesigned city
-City underground
-3 Trainstation's
-Heli pad's
-Build pad's
-Big lake
And much more...

Textures are included!

Have fun and thx for downloading!

So, Post what you guys think! Should the Wirebuild server stay in Gm_Owata_Coast_Edit_03 or shall it change to Freespace_Revolution?

Dale Feles:
Prus one  :thumbsup:

Dark Byte:
Though one thing that needs to be edited in the map is the top skybox. I noticed that the skybox is low. It needs to be raised very high otherwise flying planes will be hard in this map.

Yes I would like a new map myself.
Brining back Freespace would be real fun.
Just the skybox would be a problem.


--- Quote from: Peter on June 08, 2011, 07:24:04 PM ---Yes I would like a new map myself.
Brining back Freespace would be real fun.
Just the skybox would be a problem.

--- End quote ---
Whats wrong with it?
I could fix it in a few seconds with sdk.

Or i'm sure coolz can edit it with lua.


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