Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Rainmeter: amidoinitrite?

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--- Quote from: Juliet on June 06, 2011, 07:24:01 AM ---What is this?
It looks quite awesome.

--- End quote ---

>he doesn't know what rainmeter is

It's a program that lets you add widgets to your desktop, except with 600% more awesome.


--- Quote from: hello my name is gamefreak on June 06, 2011, 07:44:50 AM --->he doesn't know what rainmeter is

It's a program that lets you add widgets to your desktop, except with 600% more awesome.

--- End quote ---
>implying I should know what rainmeter is
>implying I should be sitting at my computer looking up stuff like this 24/7 because that's cool


--- Quote from: Juliet on June 06, 2011, 07:51:55 AM --->implying I should know what rainmeter is
>implying I should be sitting at my computer looking up stuff like this 24/7 because that's cool

--- End quote ---

>you should know what it is

» Magic «:
Implying you won't remove it after you get bored of it


--- Quote from: » Magic « on June 06, 2011, 08:15:38 AM ---Implying you won't remove it after you get bored of it

--- End quote ---
>implying i dont remove widgets that arent helpful
>implying i dont add helpful widgets
>implying i havent had rainmeter for two years now.


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