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Remove zs_motel (new demo)

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Here is the main reason why it should be removed.

Spawncamping, thats all this map is, spawncamping + the ammo crates and health machines, it gives a huge advantage to the humans and makes it nearly impossible for a zombie to get passed the green fog - stuff. The zombies get stuck on the ladder in the zombie spawn, and its small.

now there is a demo of it, with many players complaining about how there spawn camping, and also you get stuck on the ladder, excuse the lag, my internet was fucked that day. (its a little big - i forgot to stop recording - 12 mb)

map sucks, I made this back when I was nub and thought health+ ammo was  8)

btw I was working on this with You're awesome and he made most of the map, I just made it worse:/.

not trying to insult you just remember that  ;)

WTFSMASTERZ WORST MAP EVER GTFO RND YOU SUCK OMG I HOEP YOU DIEZ :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)olololol anyone remembers the version of the map that still had nades?


--- Quote from: Don on September 07, 2010, 11:20:57 AM ---WTFSMASTERZ WORST MAP EVER GTFO RND YOU SUCK OMG I HOEP YOU DIEZ :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)olololol anyone remembers the version of the map that still had nades?

--- End quote ---
Don't bring it up....


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