.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Announcements
rNd Flood.. it h as been done.
After some time put into this, the entirety of Flood has been rewritten, tweaked, and polished.
I would like to thank Minic and Ruben for their effort in sustaining Flood against all odds xD
I would like to thank Don, Frank, and Jman for all their efforts with the prop lists.
I would like to thank Sabbathfreak, yomogimochi, and everyone already mentioned for being there to help me test at a whim :P
Thanks to anyone else whose name I may have forgotten to mention :fullheart:
Now, I suggest you go try out rNd Flood in all its glory :)
I'll be making a site news update soon enough with a summarization of the most recent changes.
If you do find anything that seems to need fixing or a possible addition please post in the respective suggestions, requests, and help boards.
New weapons will be added periodically! If you wish to suggest a weapon please do so in this thread ( http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,6284.0.html ).
NOW PLAY IT :jackolantern:
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